Human Rights (MA)

The Human Rights Institute offers a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Human Rights. The Master’s Degree in Human Rights is designed to advance participants’ knowledge of human rights as both an academic and professional field, hone students’ critical inquiry skills, and ultimately enable students to develop as competitive candidates for professional positions in industry, government, education, and non-profit sectors. The Master’s Degree in Human Rights requires the completion of 30 credit hours of graduate coursework, up to 12 of which can be earned during the student’s senior year. The required 30 credit hours include 12 Common Core credits and a required three-credit practicum (200 hours), at least six Foundational Elective credits, and nine additional elective credits drawn from either the Foundational Elective or Supplementary Elective lists. Other elective options may be approved by the Graduate Education Director after consultation with the Graduate Education Committee.