Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (MS, PhD)

The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology offers two graduate degrees: Master of Science (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). The M.S. degree may be awarded either in Biodiversity and Conservation Biology or in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. The M.S. in Biodiversity and Conservation Biology is a non-thesis, coursework-based (Plan B) masters that incorporates internship and research experiences, designed for students preparing for careers in biodiversity management, conservation, and environmental education. (The requirements for this degree are described elsewhere in this catalog.) The M.S. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology may be either a coursework-based degree or a research-based master’s degree. Many students completing the research-based degree choose to pursue a Ph.D., while others pursue careers with state, local, or federal governments, with non-profit organizations and private companies, and as science teachers. The Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology prepares students for research and teaching careers in ecology and evolutionary biology, including research and leadership positions with non-profit organizations, private foundations, and state, local, or federal government agencies.