Academic Catalog

Curriculum and Instruction (MA, PhD)

Graduate programs in Curriculum and Instruction lead to degrees of Master of Arts (M.A.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). (The Neag School of Education also confers Sixth-Year Certificates in Professional Education, which are described elsewhere.)

Students can enter the Master’s program through one of two routes. The first is through the teacher education/preparation track, which has two paths: the Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s (IBM) degree program, which is intended for undergraduates at the University of Connecticut who continue on for a fifth year to earn an M.A. degree, and the Teacher Certification Program for College Graduates (TCPCG), which is intended for students who have already completed an undergraduate degree in a major unrelated to education. The certification programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and approved by the Connecticut State Board of Education.

Alternatively, students can enter the program for reasons other than standard teacher preparation. This route is available, for example, to individuals who are already teachers and may be seeking additional certification,

Master and doctoral programs of study are offered in the following areas of concentration:

  • Bilingual and Multicultural Education
  • Elementary Education
  • Music Education
  • Literacy Specialist Program (M.A.) or Reading Education (Ph.D.)
  • Secondary Education, with one of the following concentrations:
    • English Education
    • World Language Education
    • History and Social Studies Education
    • Mathematics Education
    • Science Education.

The M.A. degrees in Reading and Language Arts Consultant and Remedial Reading, World Language Education, and Bilingual and Multicultural Education may provide a vehicle, as appropriate, for the fulfillment of certification requirements. The Reading and Language Arts certification programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and are approved by the Connecticut State Board of Education.