The Biomedical Science program offers two graduate degrees: Master of Science (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). The areas of concentration within these degree programs are the following: Systems Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics and Developmental Biology, Immunology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Neuroscience, and Skeletal Biology and Regeneration. The M.S. in Biomedical Science may be either a coursework-based degree or a research-based degree. The Ph.D. in Biomedical Science prepares students for research careers in academia and industry. Graduates also enter careers in teaching, consulting, non-profit organizations, private foundations and government.
The M.S. and Ph.D. requirements in Biomedical Science conform to the Graduate School requirements as outlined in the Academic Regulations section of this catalog. Specific course requirements for the M.S. and Ph.D. in Biomedical Science are determined by the student’s advisory committee consistent with the minimum requirements of the Graduate School. The Ph.D. in Biomedical Science does not have a related area or foreign language requirement. All students in the M.S. and Ph.D. programs must take MEDS 5310 Responsible Conduct in Research, unless the student’s advisory committee approves an equivalent course or training experience. All students (except dual degree students) in the Ph.D. program must also take MEDS 6501 Communications for Biomedical Scientists and MEDS 6502 Experimental Design, Rigor and Biostatistics.