Animal Science (MS, PhD)

The Department of Animal Science offers two graduate degrees: Masters of Science (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). The M.S. degree may be awarded either as a thesis (Plan A) or non-thesis degree (Plan B). The Animal Science department is diverse, with a large variety of student and faculty interests. As a result, each student's program is quite flexible, and is shaped by the student in consultation with their major advisor and Graduate Advisory Committee. Courses elected shall be consistent with the student’s objectives and related to the field in which the degree is to be taken. The M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Animal Science offer several areas of concentration within the Animal Science Field of Study: Animal Genetics and Genomics, Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology, Animal Physiology, Animal Nutrition, Meat Science, and Food Microbiology and Safety. The Ph.D. degree requires demonstrated capabilities for conducting independent research plus related scholarly attributes.