Speech, Language and Hearing Science (SLHS)

SLHS 5123.  Bilingualism in Typical and Atypical Populations: Language and Cognition.  (3 Credits)  
Biological and cognitive factors associated with language acquisition, cognitive reserve, Specific Language Impairment in bilinguals. Emphasis on diagnosis, cognitive factors in language selection, and differences in reading opaque vs. transparent languages.
Enrollment Requirements: Recommended preparation: A course in phonetics, language development and disorders. Not open to students who have passed SLHS 4123.  
SLHS 5192.  Practicum in Aphasia.  (1 Credit)  
Clinical methods of treatment of aphasia; goal-setting, assessment, communication facilitation, and the writing of SOAP notes.
Enrollment Requirements: Recommended preparation: SLHS 4245.  
May be repeated for a total of 4 credits  
SLHS 5282.  Clinical Practicum in Speech Language Pathology.  (1-3 Credits)  
Under close supervision by a state licensed and American Speech Language Hearing Association clinically certified speech language pathologist, graduate students will participate as a member of the health care team to provide speech, language and swallowing assessment and management to patients across the lifespan. Clinical practicum allows speech language pathology graduate students to develop and demonstrate clinical and professional knowledge and skills in the assessment and management of speech, language and swallowing disorders through direct patient care. The course is held on and/or off campus at individually assigned clinical facilities. Students taking this course will be assigned a grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory). May be repeated for a total of 24 credits.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to students in the Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences M.A. program.  
May be repeated for a total of 24 credits  
SLHS 5321.  Otologic Basis of Hearing Loss.  (3 Credits)  
The etiology, pathophysiology, methods for identification, and management of acquired and post-congenitally identified disorders of the auditory system. Prepares students to meet the requirements of the national standards for earning a license to practice clinical audiology and to demonstrate excellence in the diagnosis and management of auditory disorders in clinical practice.
SLHS 5322.  Electrophysiology Techniques and Interpretation I.  (4 Credits)  
Review of clinical applications of otoacoustic emissions, auditory brainstem response, electrocochleography, and auditory steady state potentials with emphasis on diagnostic issues.
SLHS 5323.  Geriatric Audiology.  (3 Credits)  
The physical effects of aging on the auditory periphery and central nervous system, as well as the consequences of aging on diagnostic and rehabilitative services to older clients.
SLHS 5324.  Psychosocial Issues of Hearing Loss.  (3 Credits)  
Contemporary counseling issues related to working with individuals with hearing disorders. Emphasis on family systems and the impact of a hearing disorder.
SLHS 5325.  Adult Aural Rehabilitation.  (3 Credits)  
The provision of aural rehabilitation services to adults with hearing loss including auditory training, speechreading, auditory-visual integration, effective communication strategies, and Deaf culture.
Enrollment Requirements: SLHS 5356.  
SLHS 5326.  Professional Issues in Audiology.  (3 Credits)  
Issues related to ethics and practice in the field of audiology, multicultural sensitivity, legal rights and responsibilities.
SLHS 5327.  Introduction to Clinical Topics in Audiology.  (1-3 Credits)  
Provides mandated training required prior to any interaction with patients during clinical observations and supports early experiences once clinical practicum has begun. Students will demonstrate understanding and practice of evaluation protocols, professionalism, documentation and interpersonal communication required prior to practicum. May be repeated for credit with a change of topic to a maximum of six credits.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits  
SLHS 5328.  Intermediate Clinical Topics in Audiology.  (1-3 Credits)  
Intermediate-level topics in providing clinical audiology services with a focus on prevention and intervention; supports ongoing clinical practicum. May be repeated for credit with a change of topic to a maximum of six credits.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits  
SLHS 5329.  Advanced Clinical Topics in Audiology.  (1-3 Credits)  
Integrating advanced diagnostic and treatment topics with evidence-based practice through presentations and case studies. May be repeated for credit with a change in topic. May be repeated for credit with a change of topic to a maximum of 12 credits.
May be repeated for a total of 12 credits  
SLHS 5335.  Fluency Disorders.  (2 Credits)  
Research data and theoretical models regarding the etiology and characteristics of fluency disorders (primarily stuttering) are integrated to form the foundation for clinical management. Treatment approaches for children and adults are presented.
SLHS 5342.  Aphasia.  (2 Credits)  
The differential diagnosis of acquired neurogenic communication disorders as well as research, theory, and efficacy of language interventions for aphasia in adults.
SLHS 5343.  Cognitive-Communicative Disorders.  (2 Credits)  
Cognitive-communicative disorders in adults secondary to right hemisphere damage, traumatic brain injury, and dementia. Emphasis on differential diagnosis and theories and research pertaining to clinical management including the efficacy of interventions.
SLHS 5344.  Pediatric Rehabilitative Audiology.  (3 Credits)  
Auditory-based components of managing hearing loss in children; the role of the family and cultural environment in service delivery.
SLHS 5345.  Motor Speech Disorders.  (2 Credits)  
The effects of acquired and developmental neuropathology on speech. Emphasis on differential diagnosis and clinical management.
SLHS 5346.  Dysphagia.  (1-3 Credits)  
Dysphagia secondary to neurologic impairments, cancer, and degenerative disease. Anatomy and physiology of normal and disordered swallowing, evaluation including instrumental assessment techniques, and multidisciplinary management.
SLHS 5348.  Language Disorders I: Birth to 5 Years.  (3 Credits)  
The nature, assessment, and intervention of delayed and disordered language in children birth to five years of age.
SLHS 5349.  Language Disorders II: School Age Population.  (3 Credits)  
The nature, assessment, and intervention of delayed and disordered language in school-age children.
SLHS 5351.  Amplification for Residual Hearing.  (3 Credits)  
Introduction to hearing aids and assessment of the personal amplification needs of hearing-impaired individuals.
SLHS 5353.  Speech Sound Disorders in Children.  (2 Credits)  
Prevention, assessment, and intervention of anatomical, physiological, and language-based disorders affecting the production of speech in children.
SLHS 5355.  Psychoacoustics.  (3 Credits)  
Basic principles of human perception of sound.
SLHS 5356.  Audiological Assessment.  (3 Credits)  
The development and administration of advanced pure-tone and auditory discrimination tests; the interpretation of audiometric findings for adults and children.
SLHS 5359.  Voice Disorders.  (2 Credits)  
Normal anatomy and physiology of voice production including the effects of: aging across the lifespan, gender, and multicultural issues. Voice disorders, diagnostic procedures and management techniques to remediate voice disorders will be discussed.
SLHS 5361.  Advanced Speech Science I.  (2 Credits)  
Generation, transmission, detection, and analysis of the speech signal. Special attention is given the myology of speech production and the physiological correlates of the acoustic output. Theoretical models of speech production are examined in light of recent empirical findings. Biomedical and other research techniques are employed in the laboratory setting to investigate the speech communication processes.
SLHS 5362.  Advanced Speech Science II.  (3 Credits)  
A continuation of SLHS 5361.
Enrollment Requirements: SLHS 5361.  
SLHS 5372.  Central Auditory Disorders.  (3 Credits)  
Assessment of auditory processing in adults and children. Effects of processing problems on communication and a discussion of management techniques. Electrophysiological measurement techniques are stressed.
SLHS 5373.  Pediatric Audiology.  (3 Credits)  
Physiological and perceptual maturation of the auditory system from gestation through two years of age. Assessment of children's hearing, including difficult to test children, public school and neonatal screening.
SLHS 5374.  Clinical Project in Speech-Language Pathology.  (1-2 Credits)  
Written report and oral presentation on a client's clinical intervention. The clinical project must be successfully completed to graduate with an M.A. in speech-language pathology via the non-thesis track.
SLHS 5375.  Auditory System: Anatomy and Physiology.  (3 Credits)  
Review of the structure and function of the human auditory system, with emphasis on the clinical/applied aspects of anatomy and physiology. Oriented towards relationships to various auditory disorders.
SLHS 5377.  Introduction to Research.  (3 Credits)  
Introduction to research, experimental design, and statistics. Includes ethics in research, publishing, grant writing, general research skills, and computerized statistics. Open to graduate students in Communication Disorders, others with permission.
SLHS 5378.  Augmentative Alternative Communication in Speech-Language Pathology.  (3 Credits)  
Addresses the etiologies associated with severe communication impairments and related physical and/or cognitive-linguistic challenges; instructs on the basic principles of AAC assessment and procedures; identifies potential AAC users, appropriate selection of symbols and vocabulary for no, low, mid and/or high-technology systems, seating and positioning, and access; and instructs on the principles of intervention and implementation of AAC systems within the clinic, school, medical, home and community settings across the lifespan.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to second year SLHS MA program students, others with permission.  
SLHS 5379.  Introduction to Medical Speech Pathology 1.  (1 Credit)  
Lectures and clinical rotations at UConn Health to prepare students for their off-campus medical practicum.
Enrollment Requirements: Intended for first year graduate students currently enrolled in the SLHS MA program.  
SLHS 5385.  Advanced Topics in Medical Speech Pathology.  (3 Credits)  
Advanced practice management in the prevention, assessment and treatment of medically based disorders in the field of Speech-Language Pathology. Integration of content from previous didactic and practicum courses applied in a lifespan approach to emphasize the role of a collaborative health care team in a multidisciplinary context.
Enrollment Requirements: SLHS 5302.  
SLHS 5400.  Cochlear Implants.  (3 Credits)  
Cochlear implants and their function, patient performance, clinical programming software and techniques, current research, and future technology.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to Doctor of Audiology students, others with instructor consent.  
SLHS 5401.  Research Methods in Audiology.  (3 Credits)  
Vocabulary and foundational concepts for research; conceptual framework to design research, critically evaluate research, write research proposal, participate in peer review process, and complete IRB application.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to Doctor of Audiology students, others with instructor consent.  
SLHS 5482.  Clinical Practicum in Audiology.  (1-3 Credits)  
Under close supervision by a licensed audiologist, students will participate as a member of the health care team to provide audiologic assessment and management to patients across the lifespan. Clinical practicum allows audiology graduate students to develop and demonstrate clinical and professional knowledge and skills in the assessment and management of hearing and balance through direct patient care. The course is held on and/or off campus at individually assigned clinical facilities.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to students in the AuD program.  
May be repeated for a total of 24 credits  
SLHS 5501.  Clinical Topics: Foundational Concepts of Intervention In Speech Language Pathology.  (2 Credits)  
Introduction to clinical practice issues in speech-language pathology, with a focus on treatment methodology. Acquisition of knowledge and skills for implementation of high-quality intervention across communication and swallowing disorders and across the lifespan. Clinical application of treatment principles to case-based learning activities and other hands-on skills.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to students in the Speech Language Pathology M.A. Program.  
SLHS 5502.  Clinical Topics: Diagnostic Processes in Speech-Language Pathology.  (2 Credits)  
Extensive review of clinical topics necessary for robust careers as Speech-Language Pathologists, with a focus on comprehensive assessment methods for communication and swallowing disorders across lifespans and settings. Practical skills in assessment strategy development, evaluative interviewing, and judicious selection of evaluative tools. Learners gain proficiency in communicating findings, crafting diagnostic and treatment plans, and establishing goals rooted in evidence-based practice and cultural awareness.
Enrollment Requirements: SLHS 5501.  
SLHS 5503.  Professional Practice Issues in Speech Language Pathology.  (2 Credits)  
Review of professional practice issues in speech language pathology. Covers a variety of clinical topics through discussion and case-based learning to in preparation for a career as a Speech-Language Pathologist.
Enrollment Requirements: SLHS 5502.  
SLHS 5504.  Clinical Topics: Advanced Professional Practice in Speech-Language Pathology.  (2 Credits)  
Preparation for Clinical Fellowship (CF). Supervision, licensure, and certification will be emphasized. Advanced professional practice issues including integration of prevention into clinical practice.
Enrollment Requirements: SLHS 5503.  
SLHS 6300.  Independent Study in Communication Disorders.  (1-6 Credits)  
Periodic conferences with the instructor are required.
May be repeated for a total of 18 credits  
SLHS 6319.  Practicum in Research.  (1-6 Credits)  
Practicum. May be repeated for credit.
May be repeated for a total of 24 credits  
SLHS 6367.  Topics in Hearing and Speech Science.  (1-3 Credits)  
May be repeated for a total of 24 credits  
SLHS 6368.  Topics in Speech Pathology.  (1-3 Credits)  
May be repeated for a total of 12 credits  
SLHS 6369.  Topics in Audiology.  (1-3 Credits)  
May be repeated for a total of 15 credits  
SLHS 6371.  Seminar in Professional Skills for Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences.  (3 Credits)  
Preparation for academic and industry careers in speech, language, and hearing sciences, including grant-writing, service duties such as reviewing, scientific ethics and rigor, and mentorship.
Enrollment Requirements: Instructor consent. Not open for credit to students who have taken SLHS 6367 when offered as "Graduate Survival Skills for Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences."  
SLHS 6401.  Amplification of Residual Hearing II.  (3 Credits)  
Theoretical and clinical issues related to hearing aid candidacy and fitting with an emphasis on advanced signal processing strategies.
Enrollment Requirements: SLHS 5351.  
SLHS 6402.  Hearing Conservation / Industrial Audiology.  (3 Credits)  
Effects of noise on the structure and function of the auditory system. Elements of noise measurements, otoprotection, and key issues in establishment and maintenance of a hearing conservation program.
SLHS 6410.  Vestibular System: Clinical Aspects.  (4 Credits)  
Anatomy, physiology and functional assessment of the vestibular system including instrumentation, procedures, and interpretation of clinical tests. Hands-on laboratory exercises included.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to Doctor of Audiology students, others with instructor consent.