Public Policy (PP)
PP 5301. Special Readings in Public Policy. (1-6 Credits)
May be repeated for a total of 24 credits
PP 5302. Professional Seminar. (1-3 Credits)
Provides executive leadership and executive training opportunities for students in the Master of Public Administration program.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to students in the Master of Public Administration program.
May be repeated for a total of 3 credits
PP 5303. Race and Public Policy. (3 Credits)
Introduction to the public policy process using the salient, crossing-cutting cleavage of race.
PP 5304. Public Policy, Diversity, and Inclusion. (3 Credits)
Overview of how laws and policies related to diversity and inclusion have evolved from equal employment opportunity and affirmative action, to diversity and inclusion. Topics include measurement of racial or gender bias; measurement of "diversity"; policies that organizations used to achieve diversity; policies to maintain diversity and achieve inclusion.
PP 5314. Causal Program Evaluation. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ECON 5314.) Survey of the statistical methods and tools commonly used to evaluate causal claims about the impact of public policies and programs. This course is a required Master of Public Policy course.
PP 5317. Capital Financing and Budgeting. (3 Credits)
Examination of the municipal bond market, capital budgeting techniques, and related public policy issues.
PP 5318. Financial Management for Public Organizations. (3 Credits)
Management of financial resources in public organizations. Topics include variance analysis, public sector accounting, financial statement analysis, and forecasting.
PP 5319. Program Development and Evaluation. (3 Credits)
Techniques for evaluating and improving organizational performance and the ability to deal with the challenges posed by changing environments. Topics include strategic planning, program development, program implementation, evaluating effectiveness, and performance measurement and improvement.
PP 5323. Leading and Governing Nonprofit Organizations. (3 Credits)
The theory and practice of effective leadership and governance of nonprofit organizations.
PP 5324. Grant Writing and Government Contracting. (3 Credits)
Introduction to writing for private grants and government contracts. Includes responding to requests for proposals for government and nonprofit service provision as well as writing and managing a formal proposal preparation.
PP 5325. Labor-Management Relations, Negotiation, and Contract Management. (3 Credits)
Overview of the fundamentals associated with collective bargaining in the public sector.
PP 5326. Public Investment Management. (3 Credits)
Key dimensions of investment decision making in government, including portfolio analysis and understanding of appropriate investment instruments.
PP 5327. Analysis for Management Decision Making. (3 Credits)
Analytic approaches to decision making in a public management environment.
PP 5328. Business Functions of Nonprofit Organizations. (3 Credits)
Management of financial resources in nonprofit organizations. Topics include variance analysis, nonprofit accounting, financial statement analysis, internal controls, cash management and forecasting.
PP 5329. Nonprofit Advocacy, Government Relations, and Law. (3 Credits)
Legal landscape of nonprofit organizations; theory and application of effective tactics and approaches to advocacy and government relations by nonprofit organizations.
PP 5331. Quantitative Methods for Public Policy. (3 Credits)
Quantitative tools necessary to manage and evaluate public programs.
PP 5332. Advanced Quantitative Methods. (3 Credits)
Advanced statistics for survey research analysis.
PP 5336. Fund Development and Nonprofit Sustainability. (3 Credits)
Core elements of developing a fund development (revenue) strategy for nonprofit organizations, including common revenue models, philanthropic models, and earned-income methods for funding organizational sustainability.
PP 5337. Economics of Education Reform. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as EDLR 6322.) Examines a number of prominent education reform strategies, using economics as a lens through which to understand the motivations for and potential impacts of each. Economics enables us to focus on the incentives created by these policies, allowing us to predict their intended and unintended consequences. We will utilize this framework throughout the course as we read about and evaluate the effectiveness of various educational interventions and policy reforms. Topics include (among others): class size reduction, teacher quality and teacher certification, merit pay, school accountability, school choice, school finance reform, early childhood education, and topics in higher education.
PP 5340. Introduction to Public Policy and Management. (3 Credits)
Introduction to the fundamentals of public policy and public management in the United States with a focus on developing the communication skills required in a professional workplace.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to MPA and MPP students.
PP 5341. Public Opinion and Democratic Processes. (3 Credits)
American public opinion in the context of democratic theory.
PP 5342. Policy Analysis. (3 Credits)
Approaches and techniques used to evaluate public programs and public policy.
PP 5344. Social Policy. (3 Credits)
Examination of the concepts and principles of public policy analysis, with applications to important social issues.
PP 5345. Project Management in the Public Sector. (3 Credits)
Theory and techniques for successful management of public sector projects. This is a required MPA course.
PP 5346. Child and Family Policy. (3 Credits)
Theory and practice of child and family policy. Topics may include marriage and divorce, fertility, employment, and human capital.
Enrollment Requirements: Not open for credit to students who have passed PP 4346.
PP 5347. Applied Policy Issues. (3 Credits)
Overview of important policy issues in the United States and integrates a variety of analytical techniques used in the evaluation of public policies.
PP 5348. Urban Planning Principles and Methods. (3 Credits)
Introduction to the urban planning process, including commonly used planning topics, practices, and tools that planners need to professionally conduct their tasks. Lectures, discussion and simulated planning projects.
PP 5349. Public Procurement and Contracting. (3 Credits)
Principles of contract formulation and administration in public procurement, including practices in procurement activities from the identification of the need through the close out of contract activities; best practices for effective contracting relationships between the public and private and nonprofit sectors.
PP 5350. Urban and Regional Policy. (3 Credits)
Theories and empirical analyses related to urban and regional policy challenges. Students will develop skills in employing analytical frameworks and empirical techniques to investigate urban and regional policy issues.
PP 5359. Crisis Management. (3 Credits)
Overview of types and characteristics of crises, their impacts and challenges, and strategies for managing them. Topics include emergency management policy and doctrine, incident management systems, individual preparedness, and community resilience.
Enrollment Requirements: Not open for credit to students who have passed PP 5397 when offered as Crisis Management. Recommended preparation: PP 5361.
PP 5361. Theory and Management of Public Service Organizations. (3 Credits)
Core management and behavioral concepts to effectively lead a public organization. Topics include leadership, strategic planning, managing organizational performance, and organizational structure, culture and politics.
PP 5363. Local Government Management and Leadership. (3 Credits)
An examination of the characteristic managerial problems of the several functions of local government such as police, fire, traffic, public works, parks, health, recreation. Designed for individuals planning to work with citizen agencies, in agencies for governmental management, or in journalism.
PP 5364. Public Finance and Budgeting. (3 Credits)
Techniques, practice, and organization of financial functions in governmental organizations, including revenue analysis, budgeting skills, and financial statement analysis.
PP 5365. Human Resource Management. (3 Credits)
The structures, processes, and principles of human resource management and labor-management relations in the public service, and examination of contemporary human resource policies and challenges.
PP 5366. Public Service Executive Leadership. (3 Credits)
Theory and application of tactics and techniques used to enhance effective leadership and strategic management.
PP 5368. Performance Management and Accountability. (3 Credits)
Logic and application of measurement to managing the performance of programs. Topics include performance frameworks, including program logic models and results-based accountability, and performance data visualizations and dashboards.
PP 5370. Applied Research Design. (3 Credits)
Research design for organizational management and policy analysis and evaluation. How to communicate, execute and evaluate research. Skills in selecting appropriate analytic procedures and properly interpreting and reporting results.
PP 5372. Capstone Portfolio. (1 Credit)
Provides a synthesis of basic skills and competencies important for future professionals in the public service. This is a required MPA and MPP course.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to MPA and MPP students.
PP 5373. Budgeting in Public Service Organizations. (3 Credits)
Processes and techniques of public budgeting; the principles and roles of budgets in public service organizations; analytic tools, concepts, and principles of budget analysis and decision making.
PP 5374. Topics in Financial Management. (3 Credits)
Synthesizes the lessons in public sector financial management as they apply to the professional practice of the chief financial officer. Combines research literature, expert testimony, professional association position papers, cases, documentaries and discussion in order to expose students to the subject matter and the decision demands of leaders in this field.
Enrollment Requirements: Not open for credit to students who have passed PP 5397 when offered as Topics in Governmental Financial Management.
PP 5375. Economic Analysis for Public Policy and Management. (3 Credits)
Application of basic microeconomic analysis to public policy and management problems. Required for the MPA and MPP programs.
PP 5376. Applied Quantitative Methods. (3 Credits)
Statistical reasoning, tools, and techniques for effective public management.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to students in the Master of Public Administration or the M.A. in Survey Research programs.
PP 5377. Qualitative Methods in Public Policy. (3 Credits)
Development and design of qualitative research.
PP 5379. Principles and Methods of Survey Research I. (3 Credits)
Exploration of the theory and practice of survey research, including sampling, questionnaire design, analysis and reporting results.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to Master of Arts in Survey Research or Graduate Certificate in Survey Research students, department consent required.
PP 5382. Project Management in Survey Research. (3 Credits)
This course will explore the application of project management techniques to the management of survey research projects.
Enrollment Requirements: Recommended preparation: PP 5379.
PP 5383. Principles and Methods of Survey Research II. (3 Credits)
Advanced exploration of the practice of survey research and questionnaire design.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to Master of Arts in Survey Research or Graduate Certificate in Survey Research students, department consent required.
PP 5385. Attitude Formation. (3 Credits)
Theories of attitude formation and attitude change.
PP 5386. Survey Research Analysis and Reporting. (3 Credits)
Analytic writing skills that apply specifically to preparing survey research reports.
PP 5387. Surveys for Market Research. (3 Credits)
An exploration of how survey research techniques and methods are used to address market research problems.
Enrollment Requirements: Recommended preparation: PP 5379.
PP 5388. An Introduction to Multipopulation Survey Research Methods. (3 Credits)
Methods for designing multilingual and multicultural survey research projects as well as key considerations for designing multinational surveys, including sampling, questionnaire design, fielding, data interpretation and analysis.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to Master of Arts in Survey Research or Graduate Certificate in Survey Research students, department consent required.
PP 5389. Capstone on the Future of Survey Research. (3 Credits)
Capstone research on problems and opportunities in the survey research industry for students nearing completion of the Master of Arts in Survey Research program.
Enrollment Requirements: Department consent. Recommended preparation: student is in the last or next to last semester of study in the Master of Arts in Survey Research program.
PP 5390. Supervised Internship. (3-9 Credits)
Experience in a public organization under competent supervision.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to students in the Master of Public Administration or the M.A. in Survey Research programs.
May be repeated for a total of 36 credits
PP 5397. Special Topics in Public Policy. (1-6 Credits)
May be repeated for a total of 24 credits