Music (MUSI)

MUSI 5300.  Investigation of Special Topics.  (1-3 Credits)  
Enrollment Requirements: Open to graduate students in Music, others with permission.  
May be repeated for a total of 20 credits  
MUSI 5302.  Analytic Techniques.  (3 Credits)  
Structure and style in works from the 18th through the 20th Centuries.
MUSI 5305.  Graduate Performing Ensemble.  (1 Credit)  
Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Concert Choir, Chamber Singers, University Chorale, Voices of Freedom Gospel Choir, Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Lab Band.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to graduate students in Music, others with permission.  
May be repeated for a total of 16 credits  
MUSI 5307.  Instrumental Literature and Performance.  (2 Credits)  
Foundational solo, chamber, and ensemble repertoire. Taught with MUSI 3234.
MUSI 5308.  Choral Literature.  (2 Credits)  
Historical-analytical study of choral compositions. Formerly offered as MUSI 5365.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to graduate students in Music, others with permission.  
May be repeated for a total of 8 credits  
MUSI 5310.  Vocal Literature I.  (2 Credits)  
Italian solo vocal music from early Baroque through late Romantic periods, including monody, cantatas, and art songs. Baroque and Classical oratorio in different languages. Taught with MUSI 3721.
Enrollment Requirements: MUSI 5323, which must be taken concurrently.  
MUSI 5311.  Vocal Literature II.  (2 Credits)  
German Lieder, from Schubert to serialism. Taught with MUSI 3722.
Enrollment Requirements: MUSI 5323, which must be taken concurrently.  
MUSI 5312.  Vocal Literature III.  (2 Credits)  
French mélodie, from Berlioz to Poulenc and beyond. Taught with MUSI 3723.
Enrollment Requirements: MUSI 5323, which must be taken concurrently.  
MUSI 5313.  Vocal Literature IV.  (2 Credits)  
British and American art song from the early twentieth century through contemporary. Taught with MUSI 3724.
Enrollment Requirements: MUSI 5323, which must be taken concurrently.  
MUSI 5319.  Notation and Performance Practice.  (3 Credits)  
Notation, ornamentation, and instrumentation from the middle ages through the classic period.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to graduate students in Music, others with permission.  
MUSI 5323.  Applied Music.  (1-7 Credits)  
The Applied Music Fee fee is charged all students receiving private instrumental, vocal, or conducting instruction.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to graduate students in Music, others with permission.  
May be repeated for a total of 30 credits  
MUSI 5324.  Graduate Chamber Ensemble.  (1 Credit)  
Study and performance of chamber music for various ensembles.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to graduate students in Music, others with permission.  
May be repeated for a total of 8 credits  
MUSI 5325.  Opera Theater.  (1 Credit)  
Study and performance of roles in major opera productions and/or work in production technique.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to graduate students in Music, others with permission.  
May be repeated for a total of 8 credits  
MUSI 5326.  Vocal Coaching.  (1 Credit)  
Study of lyric diction, musical styles, techniques of preparation, dramatic context and text analysis in various styles of music.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to graduate students in vocal performance, others with permission. Corequisite: MUSI 5323.  
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits  
MUSI 5330.  Advanced Instrumental Conducting.  (2 Credits)  
Score study, conducting, and rehearsal techniques of selected instrumental literature.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to graduate students in Music, others with permission.  
May be repeated for a total of 8 credits  
MUSI 5331.  Conducting Seminar.  (1 Credit)  
Special topics in instrumental and choral conducting.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits  
MUSI 5341.  Instrumental Pedagogy.  (2 Credits)  
Philosophy, methodology, and practical application of pedagogical techniques for applied music instruction. Taught with MUSI 3233.
MUSI 5342.  Vocal Pedagogy.  (2 Credits)  
Vocabulary, methodology and practical application of pedagogical techniques. Taught with MUSI 3231.
Enrollment Requirements: MUSI 5323, which must be taken concurrently.  
MUSI 5348.  Schenkerian Theory and Analysis.  (3 Credits)  
Readings and analytical projects based on the theories of Heinrich Schenker and his followers.
Enrollment Requirements: MUSI 5302; open to graduate students in Music, others with consent.  
MUSI 5353.  Theory Seminar.  (3 Credits)  
Analysis of specific styles and the work of particular theorists: variable topics. With a change of content, this course may be repated to maximum of nine credits.
Enrollment Requirements: MUSI 5302; open to graduate students in Music, others with consent.  
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits  
MUSI 5354.  Advanced Analysis.  (3 Credits)  
Methods and models of music analysis applied to selected works from the Middle Ages to the 20th Century.
Enrollment Requirements: MUSI 5302; open to graduate students in Music, others with consent.  
MUSI 5359.  History of Music Theory.  (3 Credits)  
Speculative pedagogical and analytical thought on the music in theoretical treatises from antiquity to the twentieth century.
Enrollment Requirements: MUSI 5302.  
MUSI 5364.  Advanced Choral Techniques.  (2 Credits)  
Score study, conducting, and rehearsal techniques of selected choral literature.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to graduate students in Music, others with permission.  
May be repeated for a total of 8 credits  
MUSI 5366.  Choral Literature from 1600 to 1800.  (2 Credits)  
Historical-analytical study of choral compositions: 1600 to 1800.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to graduate students in Music, others with permission.  
MUSI 5367.  Choral Literature from 1800 to Present.  (2 Credits)  
Historical-analytical study of 1800 to the present.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to graduate students in Music, others with permission.  
MUSI 5372.  Wind Band Literature.  (3 Credits)  
Historical-analytical study of music for wind ensemble and symphony band.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to graduate students in Music, others with permission.  
May be repeated for a total of 12 credits  
MUSI 5373.  Orchestra Literature.  (3 Credits)  
Historical-analytical study of orchestral literature.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to graduate students in Music, others with permission.  
MUSI 5379.  Post-Tonal Theory and Analysis.  (3 Credits)  
Set-theoretic and related concepts applied to the analysis of twentieth- and twenty-first-century music.
Enrollment Requirements: MUSI 5302; open to graduate students in Music, others with consent. Recommended Preparation: MUSI 6400 (Topic: Readings in Post-Tonal Analysis).  
MUSI 5391.  Procedures in Historical Research.  (3 Credits)  
A project-oriented approach to bibliographic tools and research methods applicable to the historical study of music.
MUSI 5397.  Recital.  (1 Credit)  
May be repeated for a total of 4 credits  
MUSI 6400.  Tutorial in Music.  (1-3 Credits)  
Concentrated individualized study and research.
May be repeated for a total of 12 credits  
MUSI 6411.  Seminar: The Life and Works of Individual Composers.  (3 Credits)  
Enrollment Requirements: Open to graduate students in Music, others with permission.  
May be repeated for a total of 18 credits  
MUSI 6412.  Seminar: Style Periods in Music History.  (3 Credits)  
Enrollment Requirements: Open to graduate students in Music, others with permission.  
May be repeated for a total of 12 credits  
MUSI 6413.  Seminar: History of Musical Forms.  (3 Credits)  
Sonata, concerto, madrigal, motet or other musical forms.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to graduate students in Music, others with permission.  
May be repeated for a total of 18 credits