Marketing (MKTG)
MKTG 5100. Business Fundamentals for Social Impact. (3 Credits)
This bootcamp course is an introduction to fundamental business concepts of interest to all business managers. Students learn terms, frameworks, and analytical tools relevant for interacting successfully with others in business organizations. Students gain experience using these elements to understand and integrate the desirability, feasibility, and viability of business models.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to Social Responsibility and Impact in Business M.S. students, others with consent.
MKTG 5115. Marketing Management. (3 Credits)
This course provides an introduction to key marketing concepts of interest to all business managers. Students learn to think strategically about customers and competition and develop an understanding of how firms manage products, prices, channels and promotions in an integrated manner. Students gain experience identifying opportunities and threats in the market environment, and making segmenting, targeting, and positioning decisions.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to MBA, M.S. in Social Responsibility and Impact in Business, MSBAPM, and MS Data Science students, others with consent. Not open to students who have passed MKTG 5182.
MKTG 5220. Big Data and Strategic Marketing. (3 Credits)
This course provides the tools to analyze "big" data, and to identify data patterns with actionable marketing value. Students develop an understanding of applications from a variety of industries such as financial services, retail, advertising, insurance, health care, and human resources. Students gain experience using advanced analytical tools such as neural networks, market basket analysis, sequence detection, text mining, and state-of-the-art business modeling software to apply course concepts.
Enrollment Requirements: MKTG 5115, or MKTG 5181 and 5182; OPIM 5103 or 5603, or BADM 5103, or BADM 5180 and 5181.
MKTG 5230. New Product and Service Innovation Management. (3 Credits)
This course provides strategies and tools to develop and commercialize new products. Students learn how to evaluate new product ideas, integrate cross-functional innovation processes, allocate new product investments, accelerate new product commercialization, and forecast sales of new products. Students gain experience developing and evaluating new product concepts.
Enrollment Requirements: MKTG 5115, or MKTG 5181 and MKTG 5182.
MKTG 5250. Marketing Research and Intelligence. (3 Credits)
This course provides a framework and tools for obtaining and using data to gain marketing insights. Students learn to identify the most appropriate quantitative and qualitative research techniques to answer particular marketing questions, design studies for maximum insight, identify and apply appropriate methods to collect and analyze data, and communicate findings to aid managerial decision making. Students gain practice conducting research, analyzing data, and reporting findings.
Enrollment Requirements: MKTG 5115, or MKTG 5181 and 5182.
MKTG 5251. Marketing and Digital Analytics. (3 Credits)
This course provides an understanding of how marketing and digital analytics can be used to gain insights and make marketing decisions. Students learn how to use analytics to discover customer needs, satisfy customer preferences, predict customer behavior, and allocate media and communication resources. Students gain hands-on experience designing, conducting, and communicating results of analytics initiatives.
Enrollment Requirements: MKTG 5115, or MKTG 5181 and MKTG 5182; others with consent.
MKTG 5255. Global Issues in Marketing for Social Impact. (3 Credits)
This course provides an overview of current local and global market-focused topics and practices that can both positively contribute to, and adversely affect, societal well-being. Students learn how to evaluate the social impact of marketing and business strategies. Students gain experience analyzing and developing business strategies for social responsibility and impact.
Enrollment Requirements: MKTG 5115, or MKTG 5181 and MKTG 5182. Not open to students who have passed or are taking MKTG 3255 or BADM 3255.
MKTG 5258. Marketing Strategy for Environmental and Social Impact. (3 Credits)
This course examines strategic marketing decisions associated with creating and serving customer demand for products and services with positive social and environmental impact. Students learn to assess and plan for organization and market readiness to make and adopt such offerings and to go to market with impactful and authentic products, services, brands, and customer experiences. Students gain experience researching and presenting current readiness, designing, and positioning potential offers to connect with targeted customer segments, and developing creative briefs to guide potential promotional campaigns.
Enrollment Requirements: MKTG 5115, or MKTG 5181 AND MKTG 5182. Not open to students who have passed or are taking MKTG 3258 or BADM 3258.
MKTG 5625. Marketing for Global Competitiveness. (3 Credits)
This course provides a framework for competing in the global marketplace. Students learn how to use customer, country, and product portfolio analysis to develop effective marketing strategies in global markets. Students gain practice developing and recommending global market strategies.
Enrollment Requirements: MKTG 5115, or MKTG 5181 and MKTG 5182.
MKTG 5640. Integrated Marketing Communications in the Digital Age. (3 Credits)
This course provides an integrated approach to the design, coordination, and management of marketing communications in the digital age. Students learn how advertising and other marketing communications align with strategic goals and how to develop and evaluate media strategies. Students gain experience critiquing and developing key aspects of integrated marketing communications campaigns using traditional, social, and mobile media.
Enrollment Requirements: MKTG 5115, or MKTG 5181 and MKTG 5182.
MKTG 5650. Strategic Brand Management. (3 Credits)
This course provides a framework and tools to build, leverage, and enhance brand equity. Students learn to design brands and brand extensions, build brand communities, measure brand assets, and evaluate brand performance. Students gain knowledge and experience designing branding strategies.
Enrollment Requirements: MKTG 5115, or MKTG 5181 and 5182.
MKTG 5655. Pricing and Revenue Management. (3 Credits)
This course provides an overview of pricing strategies and tactics to achieve revenue management goals. Students learn how to develop pricing strategies to account for temporal changes in customer demands, differences across customer segments, loyalty programs, product inventory, and price-quality relationships. Students gain experience using analytic tools for revenue management.
Enrollment Requirements: MKTG 5115, or MKTG 5181 and MKTG 5182.
MKTG 5660. Customer Insights. (3 Credits)
This course provides a framework and tools to gain customer insights in B2C and B2B settings. Students learn how to evaluate internal and external influences on buyers’ information search, choice decision, and post-purchase behavior. Students gain experience using customer insights to enhance customer satisfaction, build brand loyalty, and drive word-of-mouth.
Enrollment Requirements: MKTG 5115, or MKTG 5181 and MKTG 5182.
MKTG 5665. Digital Marketing. (3 Credits)
This course provides a framework and tools to develop winning digital marketing strategies. Students learn how to evaluate digital marketing environments, construct and interpret digital analytics, and design social media strategies in pursuit of long and short-range marketing goals. Students gain experience analyzing and developing integrated digital marketing strategies.
Enrollment Requirements: MKTG 5115, or MKTG 5181 and MKTG 5182.
MKTG 5670. Marketing with Search Engines and Social Media Platforms. (3 Credits)
This course provides conceptual and analytical tools for the creation, implementation, evaluation, and management of marketing campaigns on search engines and social media platforms. Students develop skills in Search Engine Optimization, bidding in online advertising auctions, creating ad campaigns under budget constraints, targeting social media users, identifying influencers, and managing user-generated content. Students gain experience estimating digital advertising ROI and conducting sentiment analysis of textual data from online content platforms.
Enrollment Requirements: MKTG 5115, or MKTG 5181 AND MKTG 5182; others with consent.
MKTG 5881. Internship in Social Responsibility and Impact in Business. (3 Credits)
Course credit for an internship focused on social responsibility and impact in business. Students are responsible for obtaining an internship with a host company or organization. Student performance is evaluated based on an appraisal by the host company and a detailed written report submitted by the student.
Enrollment Requirements: MKTG 5115, or MKTG 5181 and MKTG 5182.
MKTG 5893. Foreign Study. (3 Credits)
Special topics related to business social responsibility, accountability, sustainability, ESG, or human rights taken in a travel course or a foreign study program course. Obtaining credit for foreign study program courses requires prior consent from the Program Director.
Enrollment Requirements: MKTG 5115, or MKTG 5181 AND MKTG 5182. Open only to M.S. in Social Responsibility and Impact in Business students, others with consent. Not open to students who have passed BLAW 5893.
MKTG 5895. Special Topics in Marketing. (1-6 Credits)
Investigation and discussion of special topics in marketing.
Enrollment Requirements: MKTG 5115, or MKTG 5181 and MKTG 5182.
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
MKTG 5899. Independent Study in Marketing. (1-6 Credits)
Faculty-student interaction on a one-to-one basis involving independent study of specific areas of marketing. Emphasis, selected by the student, may be on theoretical or applied aspects. A written report is required.
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
MKTG 6202. Psychological Approaches to Consumer Behavior. (3 Credits)
This course provides an introduction to major topics in psychological approaches to consumer research. Students learn how to evaluate academic research on consumer behavior, to develop their own research ideas within the context of extant research, and to present these ideas to other researchers.
MKTG 6203. Quantitative Models in Marketing. (3 Credits)
This course examines empirical models in marketing. Students learn about individual and firm-level models and the use of secondary data, text analysis, and natural experiments, to predict and explain consumer and firm behavior. Students gain an understanding of model estimation issues, such as heterogeneity and endogeneity, and approaches to address these issues.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to Marketing Ph.D. students and other Masters/ Ph.D. students by instructor consent.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits
MKTG 6209. Academic Research in Marketing. (3 Credits)
This course provides an overview of the scope of the marketing discipline and academic research in marketing. Students learn about consumer and firm perspectives in academic marketing research, theory development, research approaches and methods, and practical tools for success as a marketing scholar.
MKTG 6210. Strategic Applications in Marketing. (3 Credits)
This course examines the role of marketing within the firm and exchanges between firms and customers. Students learn about marketing actions and their impact on firm offerings, customer relationships, and market performance. Students gain an understanding of modeling approaches and types of data used in strategic marketing models.
MKTG 6211. Multivariate Analysis in Marketing. (3 Credits)
This course provides an overview of multivariate statistical methods in marketing. Students learn multivariate statistical techniques such as discriminant, canonical, cluster, and factor analysis; multidimensional scaling; conjoint; and logit, probit, and tobit analysis. Students gain hands-on experience using these techniques for marketing applications.
MKTG 6212. Special Topics in Consumer Behavior. (3 Credits)
This course examines prominent topics in consumer research, as well as topics of faculty interest and expertise. Students gain an appreciation of current research and methods for investigating consumer behavior research questions, develop their own research ideas, and practice communicating these ideas to other scholars.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to Marketing Ph.D. students and other Masters/ Ph.D. students by instructor consent.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits
MKTG 6213. Advanced Quantitative Applications in Marketing. (3 Credits)
This course focuses on advanced topics and recent developments in quantitative marketing. Students learn about advanced modeling approaches. Students gain experience using these approaches with empirical data to address marketing problems.
Enrollment Requirements: MKTG 6203 or the equivalent as determined by the instructor.
MKTG 6295. Investigation of Special Topics. (1-6 Credits)
Formerly offered as MKTG 6200.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to students in the Marketing doctoral program.
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
MKTG 6296. Special Topics: Research Implementation and Progress toward General Examination. (3 Credits)
In this advanced course, students conduct academic research under faculty supervision to address a marketing problem and demonstrate their ability to use empirical, theoretical, and/or descriptive analytical approaches.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to students in the Marketing doctoral program with consent of the instructor and PhD coordinator.