Landscape Architecture (LAND)

LAND 5130.  Landscape Architecture: Graphics III - Computer Applications.  (4 Credits)  
Knowledge and theory of computer use in landscape architecture. Computer applications for data gathering, analysis and graphic communication. Application of knowledge and theory to a variety of site planning and design projects.
Enrollment Requirements: Instructor consent; only open to PLSC or LAND students. Not open to students who have passed LAND 3130.  
LAND 5294.  Landscape Architecture: Seminar.  (3 Credits)  
A lecture and discussion-based course that builds a framework to critically investigate the extended geographies of urban socio-ecological processes. Opportunities are given for students to develop their interests within the discipline of landscape architecture connecting theory and practice to contemporary debates in the field.
Enrollment Requirements: Instructor consent; only open to PLSC or LAND students. Not open to students who have passed LAND 4294.  
LAND 5420.  Landscape Architecture: Design II - Space, Form and Meaning.  (5 Credits)  
Knowledge and theory of spatial form in architecture, landscape architecture and urban design. Application of theory in the creation of 3-dimensional landscape models in a studio environment. Student attitudes about self-expression, environmental issues and social responsibility will be explored.
Enrollment Requirements: Instructor consent; only open to PLSC or LAND students. Not open to students who have passed LAND 3420.  
LAND 5430.  Landscape Architecture: Design III - Program Development.  (5 Credits)  
Knowledge and theory of site design and planning with a focus on program analysis and development. Design of appropriate form and function through precedent study and research on user and client needs, development regulations and site context. Application of theory to a variety of project types and scales. Field trips required.
Enrollment Requirements: Instructor consent required; Only open to PLSC or LAND students. Not open to students who have passed LAND 3430.  
LAND 5440.  Landscape Architecture: Design IV - Community Planning.  (5 Credits)  
Knowledge and theory of design of large-scale landscapes such as open space systems, village and town centers and residential subdivisions. Application of theory to a variety of projects including community outreach work. Field trips are required.
Enrollment Requirements: LAND 3430; Only open to PLSC or LAND students; Instructor consent required. Not open to students who have passed LAND 4440.  
LAND 5450.  Landscape Architecture: Design V - Capstone.  (5 Credits)  
Knowledge and theory of site planning and design. Application of theory and skills from previous design courses to a single, comprehensive site planning and design project. Field trips are required.
Enrollment Requirements: Only open to PLSC or LAND students; Instructor consent required. Not open to students who have passed LAND 4450.  
LAND 5995.  Special Topics in Landscape Architecture.  (1-3 Credits)  
Credits, prerequisites, and hours as determined by the Senate Curricula and Course Committee.
Enrollment Requirements: Instructor consent.  
May be repeated for credit