Academic Catalog

Healthcare Management and Insurance Studies (HCMI)

HCMI 5221.  Risk Management and Insurance.  (3 Credits)  
Provides a basic understanding of various ways to deal with different types of risk. Fundamentals relating to life, property and casualty, and health insurance are discussed in that context. Enterprise risk management for corporations, financial risk management, and strategic policies to mitigate risk are also covered.
HCMI 5240.  Health Care Organization and Management.  (3 Credits)  
Examines the nation's healthcare delivery system with overviews provided for each major sector of the health economy. The basic tools of economics and finance are employed to gain critical insights into the structure, conduct and performance of each of these sectors. Designed to accommodate both health care professionals and individuals from other business areas interested in learning more about the health care industry.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to MBA students, other with consent.  
HCMI 5243.  Health Care Economics.  (3 Credits)  
Demonstrates how various economic theories can be used to think about health care issues and takes a macro or industry perspective of various health care problems and policy questions. Students are provided with a set of economic tools to evaluate a theoretical or empirical argument relating to health or medical care. Culminates with an in-depth analysis of the structure, conduct, and performance of the markets for medical insurance, physician services, hospital services, pharmaceutical products, and long-term care. Health care reform is also discussed.
Enrollment Requirements: HCMI 5240 or instructor consent.  
HCMI 5549.  Management of Long-Term Health Care Organizations.  (3 Credits)  
Examines administrative processes within the long-term health care facility including issues related to organizational effectiveness, financial management, the regulatory structure, operational procedures, policies and practices.
Enrollment Requirements: Not open to M.B.A. students.  
HCMI 5632.  Internship in Health Care Management.  (1-9 Credits)  
Under the guidance of a qualified preceptor, the student participates in the administrative process in the long-term health care organizational structure. A project is required.
Enrollment Requirements: Not open to M.B.A. students.  
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits  
HCMI 5686.  Health Insurance and Risk Management.  (3 Credits)  
A detailed overview of the purpose, structure, operation, and performance of the health insurance industry from the perspective of various stakeholders including insurance company owners, employers, individual consumers of health insurance services, and society. Emphasis is placed on individual and group health insurance products with respect to administration, selling and marketing, underwriting, pricing, and claims administration. Managed-care techniques, benefit-package design, and cost-sharing mechanisms are also evaluated and discussed.
Enrollment Requirements: HCMI 5240 or instructor consent.  
HCMI 5688.  Risk Management and Quality Across Borders.  (3 Credits)  
Examines the management of risk and quality within health care organizations and within different international settings. Within this framework, students are exposed to a number of different quality modes and study the relationship between risk management and quality.
Enrollment Requirements: HCMI 5240 or instructor consent.  
HCMI 5891.  Health Care Internship.  (1-3 Credits)  
Under the guidance of a qualified preceptor, students are provided opportunities to study and analyze an organization's characteristics, functions, goals, strategies, and decision-making processes. Managerial skill is developed through the performance of administrative tasks and through participation in problem-solving processes. A research paper is required.
HCMI 5895.  Special Topics in Health Care Management.  (1-6 Credits)  
Faculty-student interaction on a one-to-one basis involving independent study of specific areas of health care management. Emphasis, selected by the student, may be on theoretical or applied aspects. A written report is required.
May be repeated for a total of 24 credits