Academic Catalog

Graduate School (GRAD)

GRAD 5099.  Graduate Independent Study.  (1-6 Credits)  
Students pursue an in-depth study of an area of interest under the direction of an appropriate faculty member. May represent interdisciplinary scholarship.
May be repeated for a total of 12 credits  
GRAD 5100.  Fundamental Skills for Data Science.  (3 Credits)  
Establishes background knowledge in Python and R programming, multivariate calculus and linear algebra, and basic statistics to prepare incoming students for success in the core courses in the M.S. in Data Science Program.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to students in the Data Science M.S. program.  
GRAD 5500.  Post-Baccalaureate Research Training.  (0 Credits)  
A non-credit course associated with supervised research training for post-baccalaureate students who are not registered for any other credit-bearing course and are participating in a sponsored research program. May be repeated.
Enrollment Requirements: Completed undergraduate degree and participation in a sponsored program for research experience; instructor consent required.  
GRAD 5800.  Applied Capstone in Data Science.  (3 Credits)  
This course will give M.S. in Data Science students a problem-based learning opportunity to apply knowledge and skills gained in core and elective courses to an integrative data science project. Projects for the course come from industry and program partners and will typically require students to work in small teams to solve a real-world data science problem.
Enrollment Requirements: Enrollment in the M.S. in Data Science program; Department or Unit consent required. Recommended preparation: Nine credits of coursework required for the M.S. in Data Science.  
GRAD 5900.  Special Topics in Graduate Education.  (1-3 Credits)  
May be repeated for a total of 12 credits  
GRAD 5910.  Responsible Conduct in Research.  (1 Credit)  
The core principles pertaining to responsible conduct in research are covered through extensive use of case studies, along with readings and classroom instruction. Different sections of the course utilize case studies that emphasize discipline-specific issues. Satisfactory completion is based on participation in the discussions and completion of a case study presentation.
GRAD 5930.  Full-Time Directed Studies (Master's Level).  (3 Credits)  
This course denotes that the student is participating in a full-time internship, field work experience, or other course of off-campus study required as part of the student's Master's program. No other courses may be taken concurrently.
Enrollment Requirements: To be used by master's students only, not Ph.D. students.  
May be repeated for a total of 12 credits  
GRAD 5950.  Master's Thesis Research.  (1-9 Credits)  
Associated with the research efforts of students pursuing a Plan A Master's Degree, and may be used to meet the nine-credit Master's research requirement.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to graduate students enrolled in a Plan A Master's Degree Program.  
May be repeated for a total of 50 credits  
GRAD 5960.  Full-Time Master's Research.  (3 Credits)  
For students who have completed all courses on the plan of study and who are performing master's level research on a full-time basis. It may contribute to meeting the nine credit Master's research requirement. No other courses may be taken concurrently. In the summer, this is a 12-week (Summer 4) course. Since this course denotes a full time commitment, students may not hold graduate assistantships while taking this course.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to graduate students enrolled in a Plan A Master's Degree Program.  
May be repeated for a total of 12 credits  
GRAD 5991.  Graduate Internship.  (1-6 Credits)  
Supervised internship work that supports a student’s graduate training and career goals. Allows students to participate in an internship while also taking courses. Evaluation is by a field supervisor and major advisor.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to graduate students; instructor consent required.  
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits  
GRAD 5997.  Continuous Registration (Certificate).  (0 Credits)  
This is a non-credit course for which certificate students must register in cases where they are not otherwise registered for coursework but want to remain active in their program.
May be repeated for a total of 0 credits  
Grading Basis: Registered  
GRAD 5998.  Continuous Registration (Master's).  (0 Credits)  
This is a non-credit course for which master's degree students must register in cases where they are not otherwise registered for coursework or thesis preparation but want to remain active in their program.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to master's students.  
May be repeated for a total of 0 credits  
Grading Basis: Registered  
GRAD 5999.  Thesis Preparation.  (0 Credits)  
This is a non-credit course to be used by Plan A master's students who have completed their coursework and who are not registered for any other credit-bearing course but are actively working on their master's theses. May be repeated.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to graduate students enrolled in a Plan A Master's Degree Program.  
May be repeated for a total of 0 credits  
Grading Basis: Registered  
GRAD 6000.  Seminars in College Instruction.  (1 Credit)  
Explores teaching skills that promote learning within a diverse student body in higher education. Sessions each address a specific topic in educational theory and practice. Students must complete five seminars of their choosing to fulfill the course requirement. Students will be self-directed in the completion of the course and are encouraged to select seminars that meet their professional interests, needs, and professional goals.
May be repeated for a total of 3 credits  
GRAD 6001.  Fundamentals Teaching and Learning.  (2 Credits)  
Introduction to instructional practices in higher education in general and undergraduate education in particular. Topics include instructional design and methods, evaluation and assessment, learning theory, pedagogical resources, and trends in higher education. This course is required for the Graduate Certificate in College Instruction.
GRAD 6002.  Reflections on Teaching Practice.  (3 Credits)  
Students in this seminar examine and discuss various issues of curriculum and teaching practice related to university level courses. Through a systematic process of problem-posing, reflection, and group feedback, students formulate practical solutions to problems occurring during curriculum development, instruction, materials use, teacher-student interactions, course management, and program administration.
GRAD 6003.  Advanced Issues Teaching and Learning.  (3 Credits)  
This is a self-directed course providing graduate students interested in college teaching with the opportunity to design their own teaching portfolios and investigate and critique the syllabi and curriculum of other college teachers in order to reflect on their own pedagogical practices.
GRAD 6004.  Practicum in College Instruction.  (1 Credit)  
The implementation and application of theory in college instruction. This 1-credit course is required for the Graduate Certificate in College Instruction for students who do not have any practical teaching experience in higher education. The practicum involves observation, mentoring, participation in classroom teaching, and planning/teaching in a higher education setting. Students and their coach will develop contracts that identify individualized learning outcomes of the practicum and assessment.
GRAD 6930.  Full-Time Directed Studies (Doctoral Level).  (3 Credits)  
Denotes that the student is participating in a full-time internship, field work experience, or other course of off-campus study required as part of the student's doctoral program. No other courses may be taken concurrently.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to doctoral students.  
May be repeated for a total of 12 credits  
GRAD 6932.  Directed Studies for M.D./Ph.D..  (1-6 Credits)  
For use of M.D./Ph.D. students at UConn Health to provide them with a credit benefit for their dual degree program. M.D./Ph.D. students enrolling in GRAD 6932 may hold a graduate assistantship and take additional graduate courses, which will allow us to continue integration of the graduate and medical school curricula in the first four semesters of the program. This 15-credit benefit is an approved for UConn dual degree programs and is an important aspect of the M.D./Ph.D. program as it integrates the two degrees programs, which is considered to be a best practice nationally. Grad 6932 will give M.D./Ph.D. students the same 15-credit benefit as DMD/Ph.D. students, reflecting what is already is in place in the graduate school for individuals that enter Ph.D. program with a Master's degree in a closely related field.
May be repeated for a total of 36 credits  
GRAD 6950.  Doctoral Dissertation Research.  (1-9 Credits)  
Associated with the research efforts of students pursuing a doctoral degree, and may be used to meet the fifteen-credit doctoral research requirement.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to doctoral students.  
May be repeated for a total of 200 credits  
GRAD 6960.  Full-Time Doctoral Research.  (3 Credits)  
To be used by those students who have completed all courses on the plan of study and who are performing doctoral level research on a full-time basis. It may contribute to meeting the 15-credit doctoral research requirement. No other courses may be taken concurrently. In the summer, this is a 12-week (Summer 4) course. Since this course denotes a full time commitment, students may not hold graduate assistantships while taking this course.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to doctoral students.  
May be repeated for a total of 18 credits  
GRAD 6998.  Continuous Registration (Doctoral).  (0 Credits)  
A non-credit course for which doctoral students must register in cases where they are not otherwise registered for coursework or dissertation preparation but want to remain active in their program.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to doctoral students.  
May be repeated for a total of 0 credits  
Grading Basis: Registered  
GRAD 6999.  Dissertation Preparation.  (0 Credits)  
A non-credit course to be used by doctoral students who have reached candidacy for the doctoral degree and who are not registered for any other credit-bearing course but are actively working on their dissertations.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to doctoral students.  
May be repeated for a total of 0 credits  
Grading Basis: Registered