Allied Health Sciences (AH)
AH 5005. Biostatistics for Health Professions. (3 Credits)
Basic statistical methods in a broad range of medical or public health problems. Emphasizes the use of these methods and the interpretation of results using biomedical and health sciences applications.
AH 5095. Investigation of Special Topics. (1-6 Credits)
Advanced topics and investigations in the field of Allied Health Sciences. Topics and credits to be published prior to the registration period preceding the semester offering.
Enrollment Requirements: Instructor consent.
May be repeated for a total of 36 credits
AH 5099. Independent Study for Allied Health. (1-6 Credits)
Advanced study, project, or research of intensive, independent investigation in allied health consistent with the student's needs, interests and plan of study.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits
AH 5200. Design and Methodology of Behavioral Trials. (3 Credits)
Examines various types of clinical trials (e.g., pilot feasibility, efficacy, effectiveness, implementation, and dissemination) and methodological issues pertinent to randomized trials testing behavioral interventions; including intervention development, pilot and feasibility testing, control groups, internal and external validity, treatment receipt and fidelity, adherence, recruitment, and blinding.
Enrollment Requirements: AH 6306 or equivalent as approved by the instructor.
AH 5275. HAZWOPER. (3 Credits)
Provides individuals the necessary knowledge and training to meet the criteria for certification recognized by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in work activities related to hazardous waste sites and cleanup operations involving hazardous substances. Optional field exercise. Only students who successfully complete both the academic and hands-on field exercise offered within this course will receive a 40-hour HAZWOPER certificate.
Enrollment Requirements: Not open to students who have successfully completed AH 3275.
AH 5314. Professional Development Project. (3 Credits)
Examines contemporary issues and problems relevant to allied health practice. Focus is on interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and the development of a project relative to the student's particular program emphasis.
Enrollment Requirements: At least nine credits in Allied Health courses; open only to non-thesis (Plan B) students; instructor consent required.
May be repeated for a total of 24 credits
AH 5317. Professional Development Practicum. (5 Credits)
The implementation and/or application of theory in AH 5314. A minimum of 300 practicum hours required.
Enrollment Requirements: AH 5314, which may be taken concurrently; open only to non-thesis (Plan B) students; instructor consent required.
May be repeated for a total of 24 credits
AH 5319. Health Education and Behavioral Interventions for At-Risk Populations. (3 Credits)
The study and application of current learning theories, models, and strategies used by experienced health professionals to become effective interventionists within didactic, clinical, and community settings.
AH 5330. Italy’s Mediterranean Food and Our Health. (3 Credits)
Production and processing of the characteristic foods of Italy. Summary of the Italian Mediterranean diet: definitions, culture, history, food consumption patterns, nutrient composition and potential health benefits. Emphasis on the difference in diet between Italians and Americans in relation to the health differences between the two populations. May not be counted toward the Allied Health Sciences major's group A or science elective requirements. Taught concurrently with AH 2330. CA 4-INT.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to NUSC and DIET majors, others by consent of instructor. Not open for credit if previously passed AH 2330.
Content Areas: CA4INT: Div & Multi Intl
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp
AH 5335. Community Nutrition Education and Behavioral Intervention Delivery for At-Risk Groups. (2 Credits)
Community nutrition experiences with income-challenged individuals and families aligned with the model of health promotion sciences and towards achieving entry-level competence in community nutrition and public health.
Enrollment Requirements: Students must earn a “C” or higher in DIET 3215, 3230, 3231W, 3235, 3250, 3272.
AH 5350. Advanced Medical Nutrition Therapy. (3 Credits)
Provides student with advanced nutrition therapy information for the effective treatment of complex medical problems. Emphasizes all aspects of the nutrition care process as it relates to medical conditions. The research regarding the physiological, pathological and metabolic basis for nutrient modifications will be emphasized.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to Dietetics majors, others by consent of the Director of Dietetics.
AH 5351. Contemporary Nutrition Issues and Research. (3 Credits)
Critical thinking and application of research to contemporary issues in food and nutrition applied to clinical nutrition and community/public health nutrition. Learning occurs through classroom discussions, self-exploration through reading and applying scientific studies to issues, and participation in a research project.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to Dietetics majors, others by consent of the Director of Dietetics.
AH 5366. Environmental Health. (3 Credits)
Focuses on the environmental health consequences of exposure to toxic chemicals, food contaminants and radiation. Basic principles of environmental health are discussed, followed by lectures on specific topics such as: cancer and reproductive risks, occupational hazards, radiation, genetic biomontoring, risk assessment techniques, risk/benefit analysis, social/legal aspects of regulating toxic chemicals, and other related topics.
AH 5370. Applied Advanced Nutrition. (3 Credits)
Provides student with advanced nutrition information for the effective management of complex medical and public health problems. Emphasizes the impact of nutrients and food components on human health. The research regarding the physiological, pathological and metabolic basis for nutrients in health and disease will be emphasized.
AH 5392. Health Promotion through Foodservice: Advanced Management Practicum I. (1 Credit)
Supervised practice experiences in food service settings to promote health and wellbeing through delivery of healthy, safe, culinarily pleasing food which meets budgetary constraints with efficiency. Culminating project utilizing project management skills by implementing a healthy cooking class involving planning and scheduling, marketing, healthy menu development, teaching, budgetary needs and cost control, continuous quality improvement, and program evaluation.
Enrollment Requirements: Student must earn a "C" or better in DIET 3150, 3155; open only to Dietetics majors, others by consent of Dietetics Program Director.
AH 5503. Poverty and Public Health. (3 Credits)
Social determinants of health and poverty. Health impact assessments. Improving the social determinants of health and poverty, including countries in conflict.
AH 5632. Vaccines: Mechanisms of Immune Protection. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as PATH 5632.) Focuses on several different approaches to inducing prophylactic immunity in the host. Both traditional and modern molecular approaches to vaccine design will be discussed. In addition, the mechanisms employed by pathogenic microbes to avoid hosts' immune responses will be examined in the context of vaccine design. The students will gain an appreciation for the transition from basic research to practical applications.
AH 5700. Ethical Considerations in Genetic Testing and Research. (3 Credits)
Conceptual and philosophical analysis of ethical issues specific and special to genetic testing and research. Presentations, case studies and readings will provide responsible conduct in research training and allow for analysis of World Wide Web genomics, access to genetic information, privacy and confidentiality, ownership, personal and societal perceptions, reproduction, utility and limitations of genetic data, education of physicians and patients, treatment versus enhancement, regulation and reimbursement, and other time-relevant issues.
Enrollment Requirements: Instructor consent. Recommended preparation: A course in human genetics.
AH 5720. Theory and Practice of Clinical Genomics. (1-3 Credits)
Theory and practice of diagnostic laboratory methodologies and genomic data analyses for the clinical scientist. Sections are taught in a series of modules and include clinical case scenarios and analyses. With a change of content, this course may be repeated for credit.
Enrollment Requirements: Instructor consent. Recommended preparation: A course in human genetics.
May be repeated for a total of 18 credits
AH 6005. Multilevel Mediation-Moderation Modeling for Health Sciences. (3 Credits)
Presents advanced multivariate statistical methods focusing on statistical techniques commonly used in empirical research under a latent-variable approach teaches students multilevel mediation-moderation techniques in order to analyze complex or multilevel databases. At the end of the course, students will understand how to analyze multivariate data using multilevel mediation-moderation concepts to test a variety of health-related research hypotheses. Knowledge of linear models is needed for participants enrolling in this course.
Enrollment Requirements: A course in precalculus or higher; AH 5005 or other advanced/graduate course in statistics.
AH 6015. Analysis of Large Population-Based Datasets for Health Promotion. (3 Credits)
Methods for using large population-based health-related datasets for health promotion research. Topics include procedures for accessing data, strengths and limitations of these data for health promotion research, complex sampling and weighted statistical analyses, and interpretation and communication of findings.
Enrollment Requirements: AH 3005, AH 5005, or equivalent biostatistics course and familiarity with SAS; instructor consent.
AH 6181. Experiential Learning in Health Promotion Research. (1-6 Credits)
Mentored research experiences on and/or off-campus to increase doctoral student's breadth and depth of knowledge, skills and competence in health promotion science.
Enrollment Requirements: AH 6324; a graduate statistics course; instructor consent required; open only to doctoral students after first semester of doctoral work.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits
AH 6184. Graduate Seminar in Health Promotion Research. (1-4 Credits)
In a small learning environment under the direction of one or more faculty, students develop their research and academic abilities in health promotion sciences. Activities include: individual goal setting and implementing learning plans; attending scientific seminars; preparing and delivering research presentations; research writing; college-level teaching; grant and compliance administration; and applying for post-graduate employment.
May be repeated for a total of 8 credits
AH 6305. Program Planning and Evaluation for Health Professionals. (3 Credits)
A theoretical and practical introduction to program evaluation for health professionals who deliver health care services, manage departments and personnel, or provide training and continuing educational opportunities. Students apply the practical program evaluation framework for health-related intervention programs and document the impact of interventions within health promotion and disease and disability prevention programs. Skill development is facilitated.
AH 6306. Research Methods in Allied Health. (3 Credits)
An inquiry into the nature of research with emphasis on the spirit, logic, and components of the scientific method. Health related research literature is used to aid the student in learning to read, understand, and critically analyze published materials. The preparation of research proposals and reports is emphasized.
Enrollment Requirements: EPSY 5605 or a course in basic statistics.
AH 6310. Introduction to Systems Science and Complexity. (3 Credits)
An introduction to the basic concepts and characteristics of complex systems, as well as useful tools to study complex behavioral and social systems (with examples in health), such as social network analysis, system dynamics modeling and agent-based modeling.
Enrollment Requirements: Pre-calculus or higher, and statistics covering topics including regression analysis; instructor consent required.
AH 6324. Critical Issues in Health Promotion, Disease and Disability Prevention. (3 Credits)
An in-depth study of health promotion, disease and disability prevention policies, programs and strategies.
AH 6422. Writing Scientific Grant Proposals and Papers. (3 Credits)
Designed for advanced graduate student in a health field to obtain experience writing a scientific research proposal. Students will be expected to enter the course with both a fairly well developed research topic and an actual Request for Proposal in hand. The final outcome from this class will be a grant proposal that is suitable for submission to a funding agency.
Enrollment Requirements: Instructor consent.