Academic Catalog

Social Determinants of Health and Disparities (Graduate Certificate)

The Certificate in Social Determinants of Health and Disparities (CSDH&D) is intended to train 21st century health care and public health practitioners with skills and vision necessary to identify health disparities and develop public policies that promote health equity. The certificate provides students with both conceptual understanding and practical skills. UConn Medical and Dental students enrolled in the CSDH&D complete the equivalent of four graduate level courses while simultaneously completing Years 1 and 2 of the School of Medicine’s MDelta curriculum (primarily through the VITAL, and COrE course and Stage 1 experiences in Scholarship and Discovery). UConn Medical and Dental students pursuing the dual M.P.H./M.D. or M.P.H./D.M.D will receive the equivalent of a 12-credit waiver as part of the dual program requirements for having completed the CSDH&D.

Other candidates for the CSDH&D will complete four courses offered in traditional semester format.  Subject matter of the certificate focuses on principles and methods for examining the distribution and determinants of health and health care services across populations, the origins and impact of social inequality/inequity in society, and the resources and evidence-based opportunities to remedy observed disparities in health care and outcomes.