Executive Leadership Program (Graduate Certificate)

The Department of Educational Leadership offers the Executive Leadership Program (ELP), which is designed to provide aspiring individuals outstanding preparation for assuming a school superintendency and other central office positions. This cohort-based program is completed within 12-13 months and meets on dates designed to accommodate working professionals. This is a non-degree program that leads to endorsement for the Connecticut 093 (superintendency) certificate.

Ed.D. to ELP Pathway: In partnership with UConn’s Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership, Neag School of Education Ed.D. students who meet eligibility criteria and successfully complete the admissions process may enroll in the ELP. 

ELP to Ed.D. Pathway: ELP to Ed.D. Pathway: ELP students who meet eligibility criteria and successfully complete the admissions process may enroll in the Ed.D. and transfer in selected courses with the approval of the student’s advisory committee.