Curriculum and Instruction (Sixth-Year Certificate)

Sixth-Year Certificate in Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Literacy Specialist Program, Elementary Education, or Secondary Education (English, World Language, History and Social Studies, Mathematics, and Science)

The plan of study is structured to continue the academic preparation of experienced and qualified educational leaders, supervisors, and master teachers in their areas of specialization. The Curriculum and Instruction Department offers Sixth-Year Certificates in Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Literacy Specialist Program, Elementary Education, and Secondary Education with concentrations in English Education, World Language Education, History and Social Studies Education, Mathematics Education, and Science Education. (The Department also offers Sixth-Year Certificates in Reading and Language Arts Consultant, Remedial Reading and Language Teacher, which are described below.) The Sixth-Year Certificate provides advanced graduate students an opportunity to increase their professional competence by pursuing a course of study beyond the Master’s degree under the guidance of a faculty member in Education, Curriculum, and Instruction (EDCI). The program is structured to continue the academic preparation of experienced and qualified educational leaders, supervisors, and master teachers in their areas of specialization.