
To earn a graduate degree or certificate in any program, a student must apply and be admitted. This requirement applies to both external applicants and currently matriculated students who wish to pursue a certificate or additional graduate degree. Students may earn a graduate degree or certificate only in a program to which they have been admitted. By accepting admission, the student assumes responsibility for knowing and complying with the regulations and procedures set forth by the University.

The Graduate School processes applications for all graduate programs, including all graduate degrees and certificates (graduate, post-baccalaureate, and post-master’s/sixth year), with the exception of the Doctor of Pharmacy and programs with degrees conferred by the School of Dental Medicine, School of Law, and School of Medicine. A non-refundable application fee must accompany every submitted application, except when explicitly waived by The Graduate School (see details below).

In most cases, a student is granted admission to pursue a graduate degree in one field at a time. A student may be permitted to enroll concurrently in two different degree programs with approval of the student’s major advisors in both programs. There are several approved dual degree programs providing the opportunity for a student to pursue work toward two degrees simultaneously. These programs often involve the sharing of a limited and specified number of course credits between the two degrees. However, separate applications must be submitted for each of the degree programs involved in a dual degree program.

When a degree program offers areas of concentration, a student can complete the degree with more than one area of concentration, provided the student has the approval of their major advisor. With the approval of their advisory committee, a student may use the same course to meet the requirements of more than one area of concentration within their degree program. For programs that require a dissertation or thesis, a single dissertation or thesis should be written to satisfy the degree requirements even when the student otherwise completes the requirements for multiple areas of concentration within that field of study.

Students can request a deferral of admission from a program to which they were admitted for up to one academic year after their initial application term. These requests will be reviewed by The Graduate School.

Graduate Degree Programs

Regular Status

To be admitted to regular status and to begin studies in any graduate degree program, an applicant must hold a baccalaureate from a regionally accredited college or university or present evidence of the equivalent. The applicant must upload unofficial transcripts covering all previous and current undergraduate and graduate work. All transcripts submitted, including test scores, become the property of The Graduate School and are not returnable. Failure to disclose transcripts from all educational institutions, regardless of whether or not a degree was received, may be grounds for cancellation of admission.

Except in exceptional circumstances, to be considered for admission to a graduate degree program, a student’s prior coursework must meet one of the following criteria:

  1. A cumulative GPA for any prior degree at the baccalaureate level or higher of 3.0 or higher for the entire degree, or
  2. If the most recent degree is an undergraduate degree or the student has not yet completed their undergraduate degree:
    1. A GPA of 3.0 or higher for the entire two most recent years of full-time undergraduate coursework, or
    2. A GPA of 3.5 or higher for the entire most recent year of full-time undergraduate coursework, or
  3. If a student has taken at least the equivalent of one semester of full-time study (nine credits or more) following the completion of the most recent undergraduate or graduate degree, a GPA of 3.0 or higher for all of their post-degree coursework.

The grade point average is computed using the following scale: “A” = 4.0, “B” = 3.0, “C” = 2.0, “D” = 1.0, “F” = 0. Applicants from international colleges and universities must meet equivalent standards of eligibility and submit official transcripts showing all work completed.

In addition to the above requirements, individual programs typically have additional requirements and specify what must be submitted at the time of application. Prospective students should check with the program to which they are applying for specific application requirements. However, meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission. Applicants must show promise of superior achievement and must have specific preparation for the course of study they wish to undertake. If their records indicate deficiencies, applicants may be refused admission or be required either to take background courses without graduate credit or to demonstrate by examination that they have acquired the requisite knowledge or skills for graduate study. In addition, since each graduate program has a limited number of spaces, the successful applicant must have a record competitive with those of other applicants in the same field.

Regardless of visa status, students whose primary1 language is not English, must also show evidence of proficiency in the English language for admission into a graduate program. English proficiency requirements can be found on The Graduate School’s website:

Once matriculated, students who were admitted and demonstrated English language proficiency through one of the methods listed on The Graduate School’s website: do not need to provide additional evidence of English language proficiency or retake English language proficiency tests if they are applying to another program through The Graduate School at UConn.

International students whose primary language1 is not English and expect to hold teaching assistantships must also satisfy the University’s English Proficiency Policy (available at before being allowed direct instructional contact.


Primary language is defined as a language used to communicate since childhood.

Provisional Status

Occasionally, students who hold a baccalaureate degree but do not qualify fully for admission to regular status may give sufficient evidence of ability in their chosen field to warrant their provisional admission to a master’s degree program. (Applicants cannot be admitted provisionally to a doctoral program.) However, regular (not provisional) status is required for degree conferral. Students who require F-1 or J-1 visa sponsorship are not eligible for provisional admission. Students admitted provisionally must have a cumulative baccalaureate grade point average of 2.6 or higher. Students may be admitted provisionally to a certificate program if they have completed three credits of the certificate coursework with a 3.0 GPA or higher. If the initial 12 credits of degree coursework completed by a provisional student admitted to a master’s program (excluding 1000-level courses) meets the minimum scholastic requirement of The Graduate School, the student is accorded regular status. Otherwise, the student is subject to dismissal. In situations where special consideration is warranted, and only upon the specific request of the major advisor, the Dean of The Graduate School may approve changing a master's student to regular status if at least nine credits of advanced coursework have been completed with grades of A or A-. Additionally, students with provisional admission are not eligible to be appointed as a graduate assistant, until they have achieved regular status.

Language-Conditional Status

International graduate applicants whose English language proficiency does not meet the minimum standards necessary to qualify for regular admission may be admitted as language-conditional students by the program to which they apply. Applicants will have 12 months to meet the proof of English proficiency requirement by receiving a Certificate of English Proficiency from the University of Connecticut American English Language Institute (UCAELI) and/or receiving a passing English proficiency score through one of the methods listed on The Graduate School’s website: Additionally, students with language-conditional admission are not eligible to be appointed as a graduate assistant, until they have achieved regular status. 

Certificate Programs

The University of Connecticut offers three types of certificate programs: graduate certificates, post-master’s (or sixth year) certificates, and post-baccalaureate certificates. Post-master’s/sixth year certificates that require 30 or more credits for completion follow the admissions rules and requirements for master’s degrees given above. Other certificates, which typically require fewer than 30 credits, follow the admissions rules and requirements stated below. A certificate can be earned either as a “stand-alone” certificate (without simultaneous enrollment in a degree program) or while simultaneously pursuing a graduate degree. A certificate itself is not a degree.

To be admitted to a certificate program, an applicant must hold an earned baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university or present evidence of the equivalent. Some certificate programs require applicants to hold an advanced degree prior to admission. In addition, applicants to certificate programs must meet The Graduate School requirements for admission to degree programs, including minimum GPA requirements, outlined above.

Occasionally, students who hold a baccalaureate degree but do not qualify for admission to a certificate program may be granted provisional admission, based on a recommendation from the program. Students admitted provisionally must have a cumulative bachelor’s GPA of 2.6 or higher, or have completed three credits of the certificate coursework with a 3.0 GPA or higher. If a provisionally matriculated student does not meet the minimum academic standards of The Graduate School after completing three credits, the student is subject to dismissal and will be allowed to enroll only upon recommendation from the program.

Non-Degree Study

Individuals with appropriate preparation who have not been admitted to any of the admissions categories described above may take courses as non-degree students. Should a non-degree student later be admitted to a graduate degree or certificate program at the University, limited credits will be accepted toward the degree or certificate. (See details in the section on “Academic Regulations”.) For further information regarding registration for non-degree coursework, contact the Office of the Registrar at or 860-486-3331.

Admission of University Faculty

University of Connecticut faculty members who hold tenure or a faculty rank (higher than instructor) leading to tenure ordinarily may not earn a graduate degree at this institution. Exceptions to this policy may be made by the Dean of The Graduate School, with the advice of the Executive Committee of The Graduate School.

New England Regional Student Program

The University of Connecticut participates in the New England Regional Student Program, a regional program administered by the New England Board of Higher Education. The program permits qualified residents of the New England states to study with reduced out-of-state tuition privileges. The purpose of the program is to expand opportunities in higher education for New England residents. Detailed information about this program can be obtained from the New England Board of Higher Education, 45 Temple Place, Boston, MA 02111 or at

Application Processing Fee

A non-refundable application processing fee must accompany every submitted application, except when explicitly waived by The Graduate School. It may not be applied toward other charges. The application fee is waived for students currently enrolled in a UConn graduate program (certificate, master’s, or Ph.D.), including UConn School of Law, UConn School of Medicine, and UConn School of Dental Science when they apply to another graduate program. Similarly, if a student completes a UConn graduate program and is applying for admission to another program in the semester that immediately follows, the application fee will be waived. (The waiver does not apply if there is a break in enrollment). The fee is also waived for current University Scholars applying to a master’s program. Information regarding application fee waivers can be found on The Graduate School’s website:

In-State and Out-of-State Status

For tuition-based programs, each student must submit a Residence Affidavit with the application for admission to The Graduate School, which determines residency status. Upon review by The Graduate School, each entering student is classified as being either a Connecticut student (eligible for in-state tuition) or an out-of-state student. Some programs at the University of Connecticut are considered fee-based programs, and all students pay the same fees, regardless of residency.

Questions concerning the classification of graduate students as resident (in-state) or non-resident (out-of-state) are resolved by The Graduate School. In the event that students believe they have been incorrectly classified, requests for review, along with supporting documentary evidence, should be directed to The Graduate School.

Residents of other New England states enrolled in certain graduate degree programs may be eligible for special tuition rates through the New England Board of Higher Education Regional Student Program.


Application deadlines vary across programs. Applicants should check with appropriate academic departments concerning deadlines and are advised to submit their applications for admission as early as possible. At a minimum, applicants should submit the application for admission several months in advance of the term to which they are applying. In all cases, students must be admitted and accept admission one month prior to the first day of classes for that term. Some programs may have earlier acceptance deadlines.

To study in a graduate program, a student must be matriculated by The Graduate School before the first day of classes in the student’s admitted term. Matriculation requires that all credentials, including official transcripts and diplomas or degree certificates (for international students), covering all undergraduate and graduate work taken up to the time of application, be received at The Graduate School by deadline dates. In some cases, all official transcripts showing final grades and degree conferrals may not be available at the time of matriculation. In this case, for all coursework other than coursework taken at the University of Connecticut, students must submit these transcripts prior to registering for their second term in their graduate program. The submitted transcripts must include final grades for any coursework taken as part of a baccalaureate or graduate degree, as well as any additional non-degree coursework that was in progress at the time of the student’s application. A student cannot register beyond the first term unless all official transcripts showing final grades and degree conferrals have been received by The Graduate School. Official transcripts from the University of Connecticut are not required to be submitted.

In addition, except under unusual circumstances or when conducting off-campus research or holding an off-campus internship or fellowship, students enrolled in on-campus programs must arrive on campus on or before the first day of classes for the academic term in which they plan to enroll. Failure to meet these conditions may cause a delay of enrollment in a degree program until the following semester.

Admission will be cancelled if a student does not register for coursework in the term to which they have been admitted. If this occurs, the student must reapply for admission with no certainty of being accepted. As noted above, students can request a deferral of admission for up to one academic year after their initial application term from the program to which they were admitted. These requests will be reviewed by The Graduate School.