Accelerated Degree Programs

About Accelerated Programs

A number of UConn’s schools and departments offer 4+1, 3+2, 5th Year, or Fast-Track degree programs where undergraduate students begin working towards, or preparing for, entry into a master's degree program.

Graduate School Credit Sharing Policy

Use of Undergraduate/Non-degree Credits and Credit Sharing

Except in the case of officially approved dual degree programs or as explicitly allowed herein, credits on the plan of study or advisement report cannot have not been applied toward any other degree, at the University of Connecticut or elsewhere (already completed or to be completed in the future), including undergraduate degrees.

However, up to 12 credits of advanced coursework taken while a student is either an undergraduate or a non-degree student at the University may be included on a master’s or doctoral plan of study or advisement report, provided such coursework is within the time limit for completion of the degree requirements. Inclusion of non-degree coursework on the plan of study requires the consent of the advisory committee. These 12 credits can include graduate coursework used to meet the student’s undergraduate degree requirements at the University of Connecticut, provided

  1. the courses are required courses for the graduate degree program (i.e., they are not electives), or
  2. the courses have been approved for credit sharing for that graduate degree program by the Executive Committee of The Graduate School.

Required courses include graduate courses that meet one of the following criteria:

  1. the course is identified by course number as required of all students in the program,
  2. the course is one of a limited number of courses (identified by course numbers) that can be used to meet a specific stated competency requirement for that program (e.g., a statistics requirement), or
  3. for fields of study that fall entirely within a single academic department, the course satisfies a requirement that a student in that field of study take a specified number of credits of graduate coursework within that department.

Directory of Accelerated Programs