Academic Catalog

General Education Requirements

The General Education Curriculum provides academic breadth with a set of intellectually rigorous and challenging courses. Every undergraduate student in a baccalaureate degree program in the University, on all campuses, must complete the General Education Curriculum. The General Education Curriculum comprises four content areas, four competencies, and Environmental Literacy.1

Every student must meet a set of core requirements to earn a baccalaureate degree, though some schools and colleges may add to the requirements listed here. To avoid delaying the progress of their degree, students should always consult the requirements listed for their particular school or college before registering. The school or college may refer the student to these General Education Requirements when the requirements and choices duplicate those listed here.


Undergraduate students with Bachelor’s degree from institutions that have been accredited by regional accreditation agencies are exempt from the University General Education Requirements but not the 2000-level and above W course within the major nor any additional general education requirements of a School/College.

Content Areas

Students must pass at least six credits of coursework in each of four content areas:

Content Area courses may be counted toward the major.

Students must pass at least seven content area courses of at least three credits for a total of at least 21 credits. However, up to three credits of repeatable one-credit courses may be included in Content Areas One and Four.

The courses fulfilling Content Areas One, Two, and Three must represent at least six different subjects as designated by subject code (e.g., ANTH or WGSS). The courses within each of these content areas must be from two different subjects. In Content Area Three, one of the courses must be a laboratory course of at least four credits. However, this laboratory requirement is waived for students who have passed a laboratory course in the biological and/or physical sciences. In Content Area Four, at least three credits shall address issues of diversity and/or multiculturalism outside of the United States.

An individual course may be approved for and count for one Content Area, two Content Areas, or three Content Areas if one of the three is Content Area 4. An Environmental Literacy course may be approved for and count for one Content Area or two Content Areas if one is Content Area 4.

No more than six INTD credits may be used to complete the General Education Curriculum.

Content Area One - Arts and Humanities

Arts and Humanities courses provide a broad vision of artistic and humanist themes. These courses enable students themselves to study and understand the artistic, cultural and historical processes of humanity. They encourage students to explore their own traditions and their places within the larger world so that they, as informed citizens, may participate more fully in the rich diversity of human languages and cultures.

AAAS 1000Pathways to Asian American Studies3
AAAS 1001Pathways to Asian Studies3
AAAS 2136Asian Theatre and Performance3
AAAS 2136WAsian Theatre and Performance3
AAAS 2201Introduction to Asian American Studies3
AAAS 2222Race, Gender, Sexuality, and the Power of Looking3
AAAS 2225The Pacific in World History3
AAAS 2305Modern Japanese Literature3
AAAS 2811Early Modern India: From Muslim Rulers to British Raj3
AAAS 2812Modern India3
AAAS 2821Early Modern China: From Mongols to Manchus3
AAAS 2822Modern China3
AAAS 2841Empire and Nation in Southeast Asia3
AAAS 2842History of Vietnam3
AAAS 2866China and the West3
AAAS 2868Foreign Relations of China Since 19493
AAAS 2868WForeign Relations of China Since 19493
AAAS 3375Indian Art and Popular Culture: Independence to the Present3
AAAS 3531Japanese Americans and World War II3
AAAS 3554Immigrants and the Shaping of American History3
AAAS 3712The Middle East Crucible3
AAAS 3820History of Modern Chinese Political Thought3
AAAS 3823History of the People's Republic of China3
AAAS 3845The Vietnam War3
AFRA 1100Afrocentric Perspectives in the Arts3
AFRA 2222Race, Gender, Sexuality, and the Power of Looking3
AFRA 2621Cuba in Local and Global Perspective3
AFRA 2752Africa in Global History3
AFRA 2753History of Modern Africa3
AFRA 3131African-American Theatre3
AFRA 3132African-American Women Playwrights, 1900 to the present3
AFRA 3206Black Experience in the Americas3
AFRA 3564African American History Since 18653
AFRA 3619History of the Caribbean3
AFRA 3619WHistory of the Caribbean3
AMST 1700EHonors Core: American Landscapes3
AMST 2200Literature and Culture of North America before 18003
AMST 2201Introduction to Asian American Studies3
AMST 2204Jewish Culture in American Film3
AMST 2207Empire and U.S. Culture3
AMST 2274WDisability in American Literature and Culture3
AMST 2276American Utopias and Dystopias3
AMST 2276WAmerican Utopias and Dystopias3
AMST 2400City and Community in Film3
AMST 2550Crime, Policing, and Punishment in the United States3
AMST 3267WRace and the Scientific Imagination3
AMST 3531Japanese Americans and World War II3
AMST 3570History and Theory of Digital Art3
ANTH 1001WAnthropology Through Film3
ANTH 3401World Religions3
ANTH 3450WAnthropological Perspectives on Art3
ARAB 1751Traditional Arab Literatures, Cultures, and Civilizations3
ARAB 1771Modern Arabic Culture3
ARAB 2751Arabic Folk Tales and Mirrors for Princes3
ARAB 3550WClassical Arabic Literature3
ARAB 3751Al-Andalus: Music, Literature, and Science in Muslim Spain3
ARAB 3771Cinema in the Middle East and North Africa3
ARIS 1170Women's Contemporary Writing in the Arab World3
ARIS 1170WWomen's Contemporary Writing in the Arab World3
ARIS 1211Introduction to Islam3
ARIS 3710Islamic Art History3
ARIS 3710WIslamic Art History3
ART 1000Art Appreciation3
ART 3375Indian Art and Popular Culture: Independence to the Present3
ARTH 1128Global Perspectives on Western Art: Renaissance to the Present3
ARTH 1137Introduction to Art History: Prehistoric - 14th Century3
ARTH 1138Introduction to Art History: 15th Century - Present3
ARTH 1140Introduction to Asian Art3
ARTH 1141From Sun Gods to Lowriders: Introduction to Latin American Art3
ARTH 1162Introduction to Architecture3
ARTH 2020Global Jerusalem3
ARTH 2222Race, Gender, Sexuality, and the Power of Looking3
ARTH 2230Curating Contemporary Art: Issues, Themes, Theories, and Practices3
ARTH 3000Curatorial Intensive: Exhibitions Outside the Museum3
ARTH 3570History and Theory of Digital Art3
ARTH 3575Human Rights, Digital Media, Visual Culture3
ARTH 3710Islamic Art History3
ARTH 3710WIslamic Art History3
CAMS 1101Greek Civilization3
CAMS 1102Roman Civilization3
CAMS 1103Classical Mythology3
CAMS 2020Pyramids, Pirates, and the Polis: The Ancient Mediterranean3
CAMS 3326Ancient Rome: Emperors and Barbarians3
CHIN 1121Traditional Chinese Culture3
CHIN 1122Modern Chinese Culture3
CHIN 2360Chinese Dishes and Drinks3
CHIN 2800Chinese Calligraphy3
CHIN 3230Language and Identity in Greater China3
CHIN 3230WLanguage and Identity in Greater China3
CHIN 3250WAdvanced Chinese3
CHIN 3270Chinese Film3
CLCS 1002Reading Between the Arts3
CLCS 1101Classics of World Literature I3
CLCS 1102Classics of World Literature II3
CLCS 1110Introduction to Film Studies3
CLCS 2010Media Literacy and Data Ethics3
CLCS 2201Intercultural Competency Towards Global Perspectives3
CLCS 2204Jewish Culture in American Film3
CLCS 2301Jewish Humor3
CLCS 2609Fascism and its Opponents3
DMD 2010History of Digital Culture3
DMD 2020Design Thinking3
DMD 3570History and Theory of Digital Art3
DRAM 1101Introduction to the Theatre3
DRAM 1110Introduction to Film3
DRAM 1501Introduction to World Puppetry3
DRAM 1811Dance Appreciation3
DRAM 2134Honors Core: Sports as Performance3
DRAM 2135History of Popular Theatre and Live Entertainment3
DRAM 2136Asian Theatre and Performance3
DRAM 2136WAsian Theatre and Performance3
DRAM 2150Devising Theatre for Social Justice I3
DRAM 2203The Holocaust in Print, Theater, and Film3
DRAM 3131African-American Theatre3
DRAM 3132African-American Women Playwrights, 1900 to the present3
ECON 2101Economic History of Europe3
ECON 2101WEconomic History of Europe3
ECON 2102Economic History of the United States3
ECON 2102WEconomic History of the United States3
ECON 2103Deep Roots of Modern Societies3
ECON 2120Honors Core: Rights and Harms3
ENGL 1101Classical and Medieval Western Literature3
ENGL 1101WClassical and Medieval Western Literature3
ENGL 1103Renaissance and Modern Western Literature3
ENGL 1103WRenaissance and Modern Western Literature3
ENGL 1401Horror3
ENGL 1503Introduction to Shakespeare3
ENGL 1616Major Works of English and American Literature3
ENGL 1616WMajor Works of English and American Literature3
ENGL 2100British Literature I3
ENGL 2101British Literature II3
ENGL 2107The British Empire, Slavery, and Resistance3
ENGL 2200Literature and Culture of North America before 18003
ENGL 2201American Literature to 18803
ENGL 2201WAmerican Literature to 18803
ENGL 2203American Literature Since 18803
ENGL 2203WAmerican Literature Since 18803
ENGL 2207Empire and U.S. Culture3
ENGL 2274WDisability in American Literature and Culture3
ENGL 2276American Utopias and Dystopias3
ENGL 2276WAmerican Utopias and Dystopias3
ENGL 2305Modern Japanese Literature3
ENGL 2401Poetry3
ENGL 2405Drama3
ENGL 2407The Short Story3
ENGL 2408Modern Drama3
ENGL 2408WModern Drama3
ENGL 2409The Modern Novel3
ENGL 2411Popular Literature3
ENGL 2411WPopular Literature3
ENGL 2413The Graphic Novel3
ENGL 2413WThe Graphic Novel3
ENGL 2605Capitalism, Literature, and Culture3
ENGL 2605WCapitalism, Literature, and Culture3
ENGL 2607Literature and Science3
ENGL 2609Fascism and its Opponents3
ENGL 2635ELiterature and the Environment3
ENGL 2637WEEnvironmental Justice Writing3
ENGL 2640Studies in Film3
ENGL 2640WStudies in Film3
ENGL 2730WTravel Writing3
ENGL 3220Jewish American Literature and Culture3
ENGL 3220WJewish American Literature and Culture3
ENGL 3267WRace and the Scientific Imagination3
ENGL 3320Literature and Culture of India3
ENGL 3629Holocaust Memoir3
ENGL 3633The Rhetoric of Political Discourse in Literature and Society3
ENGL 3633WThe Rhetoric of Political Discourse in Literature and Society3
ENGL 3640British Film3
FINA 1001Earthtones: Vocal Ensemble1
FINA 1100Afrocentric Perspectives in the Arts3
FREN 1169Modernity in Crisis: France and the Francophone World From 1850 to Today3
FREN 1171French Cinema3
FREN 1176Literature and Cultures of the Postcolonial Francophone World3
FREN 1177Magicians, Witches, Wizards: Parallel Beliefs and Popular Culture in France3
FREN 3210French Art and Civilization3
FREN 3211WContemporary France3
FREN 3218Francophone Studies3
FREN 3224Issues in Cultural Studies, the Media, and the Social Sciences3
FREN 3234Romanticism, Realism, Fin de Siecle: 19th-Century Literature3
FREN 3235French Modernity3
FREN 3261From the Holy Grail to the Revolution: Introduction to Literature3
FREN 3262From the Romantics to the Moderns: Introduction to Literature3
FREN 3267Grammar and Culture3
FREN 3268Grammar and Composition3
FREN 3268WGrammar and Composition3
FREN 3270WFrench Literature and Civilization in English3
GEOG 1200Global Urbanization3
GERM 1140WGerman Literature in English3
GERM 1169Contemporary Germany in Europe3
GERM 1171The German Film3
GERM 1175Human Rights and German Culture3
GERM 1920Cyborgs, Robots, and Androids in the German Imaginary3
GERM 2400EThe Environment in German Culture3
GERM 3251German Culture and Civilization3
GERM 3254WStudies in 19th Century German Literature3
GERM 3255Studies in 20th Century German Literature3
GERM 3255WStudies in 20th Century German Literature3
GERM 3258Germans in Africa, Blacks in German-Speaking Countries, Colonial and Post-Colonial Perspectives3
GERM 3261WGerman Film and Culture3
GERM 3264WGerman Cinema in Cross-Cultural Perspective3
HEJS 1103Who Are the Jews? Jewish Identity through the Ages3
HEJS 2104Modern Jewish Thought3
HEJS 2200Israel: History and Society3
HEJS 2203The Holocaust in Print, Theater, and Film3
HEJS 2204Jewish Culture in American Film3
HEJS 2301Jewish Humor3
HEJS 3201Selected Books of the Hebrew Bible3
HEJS 3301The Jewish Middle Ages3
HEJS 3362The Black Death: Medieval and Modern Responses to Catastrophe3
HEJS 3401Jewish American Literature and Culture3
HEJS 3401WJewish American Literature and Culture3
HEJS 3419Jewish Responses to the Holocaust3
HEJS 3629Holocaust Memoir3
HIST 1100The Historian as Detective3
HIST 1100WThe Historian as Detective3
HIST 1200World History, 1200-18003
HIST 1201Modern World History3
HIST 1203Women in History3
HIST 1206Living Through War in World History Since 15003
HIST 1250Sports in History3
HIST 1300Western Traditions Before 15003
HIST 1400Modern Western Traditions3
HIST 1450Global History of the Second World War3
HIST 1501United States History to 18773
HIST 1501WUnited States History to 18773
HIST 1502U.S. History Since 18773
HIST 1502WU.S. History Since 18773
HIST 1570Migrant Workers in Connecticut4
HIST 1600Introduction to Latin America and the Caribbean3
HIST 1600WIntroduction to Latin America and the Caribbean3
HIST 1801History of Asia in the World to 15003
HIST 1805Key Words in East Asian History and Culture3
HIST 2020Pyramids, Pirates, and the Polis: The Ancient Mediterranean3
HIST 2105History through Film3
HIST 2204History of Technology3
HIST 2205Personality and Power in History3
HIST 2205WPersonality and Power in History3
HIST 2206History of Science3
HIST 2207Empire and U.S. Culture3
HIST 2208Science, Technology, and Society3
HIST 2208WScience, Technology, and Society3
HIST 2210EHistory of the Ocean3
HIST 2222EGlobal Environmental History3
HIST 2225The Pacific in World History3
HIST 2230Global History of Capitalism3
HIST 2230WGlobal History of Capitalism3
HIST 2401Europe in the Nineteenth Century3
HIST 2401WEurope in the Nineteenth Century3
HIST 2402Europe in the Twentieth Century3
HIST 2402WEurope in the Twentieth Century3
HIST 2412From Revolution to Nihilism: Ideas and Ideologies in Nineteenth-Century Europe3
HIST 2412WFrom Revolution to Nihilism: Ideas and Ideologies in Nineteenth-Century Europe3
HIST 2413WFrom Nietzsche to Neo-liberalism: Ideas and Ideologies in Twentieth-Century Europe3
HIST 2507New England and the Caribbean Plantation Complex, 1650-19003
HIST 2550Crime, Policing, and Punishment in the United States3
HIST 2621Cuba in Local and Global Perspective3
HIST 2650History of Urban Latin America3
HIST 2752Africa in Global History3
HIST 2753History of Modern Africa3
HIST 2811Early Modern India: From Muslim Rulers to British Raj3
HIST 2812Modern India3
HIST 2821Early Modern China: From Mongols to Manchus3
HIST 2822Modern China3
HIST 2841Empire and Nation in Southeast Asia3
HIST 2842History of Vietnam3
HIST 2866China and the West3
HIST 2868Foreign Relations of China Since 19493
HIST 2868WForeign Relations of China Since 19493
HIST 3206Black Experience in the Americas3
HIST 3326Ancient Rome: Emperors and Barbarians3
HIST 3362The Black Death: Medieval and Modern Responses to Catastrophe3
HIST 3419Jewish Responses to the Holocaust3
HIST 3531Japanese Americans and World War II3
HIST 3540EEnvironmental History of the Americas3
HIST 3540WEEnvironmental History of the Americas3
HIST 3554Immigrants and the Shaping of American History3
HIST 3564African American History Since 18653
HIST 3607Latin America in the Colonial Period3
HIST 3609Latin America in the National Period3
HIST 3619History of the Caribbean3
HIST 3619WHistory of the Caribbean3
HIST 3635History of Modern Mexico3
HIST 3660WHistory of Migration in Las Americas3
HIST 3674History of Latinos/as in the United States3
HIST 3675Latina History and Biography3
HIST 3705The Modern Middle East from 1700 to the Present3
HIST 3710Islamic Art History3
HIST 3710WIslamic Art History3
HIST 3712The Middle East Crucible3
HIST 3820History of Modern Chinese Political Thought3
HIST 3823History of the People's Republic of China3
HIST 3845The Vietnam War3
HRTS 2150Devising Theatre for Social Justice I3
HRTS 2170WBioethics and Human Rights in Cross-Cultural Perspective3
HRTS 2203The Holocaust in Print, Theater, and Film3
HRTS 3200WInternational Human Rights Law3
HRTS 3220WPhilosophical Foundations of Human Rights3
HRTS 3250WHuman Rights and New Technologies3
HRTS 3575Human Rights, Digital Media, Visual Culture3
ILCS 1101The Italian Renaissance3
ILCS 1102From Baghdad to Florence: Medieval Short Stories Across Cultures3
ILCS 1149Cinema and Society in Contemporary Italy3
ILCS 1158Italian American Experience in Literature and Film3
ILCS 1160Culture of Fascist Italy3
ILCS 1168Adaptation: Italian Literature into Film3
ILCS 1170Introducing Italy through Its Regions3
ILCS 3248WThe Italian Novella3
ILCS 3255WDante's Divine Comedy in English Translation3
ILCS 3258WCinematic Representations of Italian Americans3
ILCS 3260WItalian Cinema3
ILCS 3268WViews of the Environment from Italy3
INDS 3375Indian Art and Popular Culture: Independence to the Present3
INTD 3260The Bible, the Holy Land, and History3
JAPN 2305Modern Japanese Literature3
JOUR 1002The Press in America3
JOUR 2010Journalism in the Movies3
LAND 2210EThe Common (Shared) Landscape of the USA: Rights, Responsibilities and Values3
LING 1010Language and Mind3
LLAS 1009Latino Literature, Culture, and Society3
LLAS 1009WLatino Literature, Culture, and Society3
LLAS 1190Introduction to Latin America and the Caribbean3
LLAS 1190WIntroduction to Latin America and the Caribbean3
LLAS 1570Migrant Workers in Connecticut4
LLAS 2507New England and the Caribbean Plantation Complex, 1650-19003
LLAS 2621Cuba in Local and Global Perspective3
LLAS 3220History of Latinos/as in the United States3
LLAS 3607Latin America in the Colonial Period3
LLAS 3609Latin America in the National Period3
LLAS 3619History of the Caribbean3
LLAS 3619WHistory of the Caribbean3
LLAS 3635History of Modern Mexico3
LLAS 3660WHistory of Migration in Las Americas3
LLAS 3675Latina History and Biography3
MAST 1200Introduction to Maritime Culture3
MAST 2210EHistory of the Ocean3
MAST 2507New England and the Caribbean Plantation Complex, 1650-19003
MUSI 1001Music Appreciation3
MUSI 1003Popular Music and Diversity in American Society3
MUSI 1004Non-Western Music3
MUSI 1006Earthtones: Vocal Ensemble1
MUSI 1112University Symphony Orchestra1
MUSI 1115Jazz Ensembles1
MUSI 1120Jazz Combos1
MUSI 3407WHistory of Jazz3
MUSI 3421WMusic, Culture, and Difference in Globalization3
NRE 1235EEnvironmental Conservation3
NURS 2175Global Politics of Childbearing and Reproduction3
PHIL 1101Problems of Philosophy3
PHIL 1102Philosophy and Logic3
PHIL 1103Philosophical Classics3
PHIL 1104Philosophy and Social Ethics3
PHIL 1105Philosophy and Religion3
PHIL 1106Non-western and Comparative Philosophy3
PHIL 1107Philosophy and Gender3
PHIL 1108EEnvironmental Philosophy3
PHIL 1109Global Existentialism3
PHIL 1165WPhilosophy and Literature3
PHIL 1175Ethical Issues in Health Care3
PHIL 2170WBioethics and Human Rights in Cross-Cultural Perspective3
PHIL 2410Know Thyself3
PHIL 3220WPhilosophical Foundations of Human Rights3
POLS 1002Introduction to Political Theory3
POLS 2023Political Theory in Film3
SPAN 1007Major Works of Hispanic Literature in Translation3
SPAN 1008Christians, Muslims and Jews in Medieval Spain3
SPAN 1009Latino Literature, Culture, and Society3
SPAN 1009WLatino Literature, Culture, and Society3
SPAN 1010Contemporary Spanish Culture and Society through Film3
SPAN 1020Intersections of Art, Fashion, Film, and Music in Modern Spain3
SPAN 3232Literature of Crisis in Modern Spain3
SPAN 3250Film in Spain and Latin America3
SPAN 3267WThe Spanish-American Short Story3
URBN 1200Global Urbanization3
URBN 2400City and Community in Film3
URBN 2650History of Urban Latin America3
WGSS 1121Women in History3
WGSS 1170Women's Contemporary Writing in the Arab World3
WGSS 1170WWomen's Contemporary Writing in the Arab World3
WGSS 2204Feminisms and the Arts3
WGSS 2217Women, Gender and Film3
WGSS 2217WWomen, Gender and Film3
WGSS 3675Latina History and Biography3

Content Area Two - Social Sciences

The social sciences examine how individuals, groups, institutions, and societies behave and influence one another and the natural environment. Courses in this group enable students to analyze and understand interactions of the numerous social factors that influence behavior at the individual, cultural, societal, national, or international level. They use the methods and theories of social science inquiry to develop critical thought about current social issues and problems.

AFRA 2461Race, Gender, and U.S. Health Care3
AFRA 3152Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism3
ANTH 1000Peoples and Cultures of the World3
ANTH 1000WPeoples and Cultures of the World3
ANTH 1006Introduction to Anthropology3
ANTH 1010EGlobal Climate Change and Human Societies3
ANTH 1500Great Discoveries in Archaeology3
ANTH 2000Social Anthropology3
ANTH 2000WSocial Anthropology3
ANTH 3152Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism3
ANTH 3230Propaganda, Disinformation, and Hate Speech3
ANTH 3340ECulture and Conservation3
ARE 1110EPopulation, Food, and the Environment3
ARE 1150Principles of Applied and Resource Economics3
ARE 2250EEnergy Economics: Sustainable Transitions3
ARE 2525Sustainability Policy and Management3
COMM 1000The Process of Communication3
DMD 2620Human Development, Digital Media, and Technology3
ECON 1000Essentials of Economics3
ECON 1101Economics Through Film3
ECON 1108Game Theory in the Natural and Social Sciences3
ECON 1200Principles of Economics (Intensive)4
ECON 1201Principles of Microeconomics3
ECON 1202Principles of Macroeconomics3
EDCI 1100If You Love It, Teach It3
EDCI 2100Power, Privilege, and Public Education3
ENGR 2300EEngineering for Human Rights3
ENVE 1000EEnvironmental Sustainability3
EPSY 1450WMind, Body, Health3
EPSY 1830Critical and Creative Thinking in the Movies3
EPSY 2450Whole Child, School, and Community: Linking Health and Education3
EPSY 2450WWhole Child, School, and Community: Linking Health and Education3
EPSY 2810Creativity: Debunking Myths and Enhancing Innovation3
EVST 1000EIntroduction to Environmental Studies3
EVST 3340ECulture and Conservation3
GEOG 1000Introduction to Geography3
GEOG 1700World Regional Geography3
GEOG 2000Globalization3
GEOG 2100Economic Geography3
GEOG 2200Introduction to Human Geography3
GEOG 2320EClimate Change: Current Geographic Issues3
GEOG 2350EGeography of Energy for Sustainability3
GEOG 2400EIntroduction to Sustainable Cities3
HDFS 1060Close Relationships Across the Lifespan3
HDFS 1070Individual and Family Development3
HDFS 2142EExploring Conservation and Sustainability with Preschoolers3
HDFS 2620Human Development, Digital Media, and Technology3
HDFS 3141Developmental Approaches to Intergroup Relations and Victimization3
HDFS 3311Parenthood and Parenting3
HDFS 3540Child Welfare, Law and Social Policy3
HRTS 1007Introduction to Human Rights3
HRTS 2100Human Rights and Social Change3
HRTS 2100WHuman Rights and Social Change3
HRTS 2200Introduction to Genocide Studies3
HRTS 2300EEngineering for Human Rights3
HRTS 3230Propaganda, Disinformation, and Hate Speech3
LING 1020Language and Environment3
LING 1030The Diversity of Languages3
LING 2850Introduction to Sociolinguistics of the Deaf Community3
LING 3610WLanguage and Culture3
LLAS 1000Introduction to Latina/o Studies3
LLAS 3525Latino Sociology3
LLAS 3525WLatino Sociology3
MAST 1300EPeople and Society in the Maritime Environment3
MAST 2460EMaritime Politics3
NURS 1500Introduction to Correctional Health Care3
POLS 1202Introduction to Comparative Politics3
POLS 1207Introduction to Nonwestern Politics3
POLS 1402Introduction to International Relations3
POLS 1402WIntroduction to International Relations3
POLS 1602Introduction to American Politics3
POLS 1602WIntroduction to American Politics3
POLS 2221Introduction to Government and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa3
POLS 2221WIntroduction to Government and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa3
POLS 2460EMaritime Politics3
POLS 3208WPolitics of Oil3
POLS 3250The Political Economy of East Asia3
POLS 3250WThe Political Economy of East Asia3
POLS 3413International Security3
POLS 3413WInternational Security3
POLS 3603WQCongressional Apportionment and Redistricting3
POLS 3610WAmerican Politics in Film3
PP 1001Introduction to Public Policy3
PSYC 1101General Psychology II3
PSYC 1103General Psychology II (Enhanced)4
PUBH 1001Introduction to Public Health3
SLHS 1150Introduction to Communication Disorders3
SLHS 1150WIntroduction to Communication Disorders3
SOCI 1001Introduction to Sociology3
SOCI 1001WIntroduction to Sociology3
SOCI 1251Social Problems3
SOCI 1251WSocial Problems3
SOCI 1501Race, Class, and Gender3
SOCI 1501WRace, Class, and Gender3
SOCI 1701Society in Global Perspective3
SOCI 1701WSociety in Global Perspective3
SOCI 2310Introduction to Criminal Justice3
SOCI 2461Race, Gender, and U.S. Health Care3
SOCI 2701ESustainable Societies3
SOCI 2705ESociology of Food3
SOCI 2709ESociety and Climate Change3
SOCI 2709WESociety and Climate Change3
SOCI 3459WAging and Society3
SOCI 3525Latino Sociology3
SOCI 3525WLatino Sociology3
SOCI 3823The Sociology of Law: Global and Comparative Perspectives3
SOCI 3823WThe Sociology of Law: Global and Comparative Perspectives3
SOWK 3000The Social Work Profession and Practice3
SPSS 1060EThe Great American Lawn: History, Culture, and Sustainability3
URBN 1300Exploring Your Community3
URBN 1300WExploring Your Community3
URBN 1400Site and Sound: Understanding Cities Through Popular Music3
URBN 1400WSite and Sound: Understanding Cities Through Popular Music3
URBN 1600Cities of Imagination3
URBN 3400EUrban Parks and Sustainability3
WGSS 1105Gender and Sexuality in Everyday Life3
WGSS 2124Gender and Globalization3
WGSS 3253Gender Representations in U.S. Popular Culture3
WGSS 3253WGender Representations in U.S. Popular Culture3

Content Area Three - Science and Technology

These courses acquaint students with scientific thought, observation, experimentation, and formal hypothesis testing, and enable students to consider the impact that developments in science and technology have on the nature and quality of life. Knowledge of the basic vocabulary of science and technology is a prerequisite for informed assessments of the physical universe and of technological developments.

AH 1030Interdisciplinary Approach to Obesity Prevention3
ANSC 1645The Science of Food3
ANTH 2200Race and Human Biological Diversity3
COGS 2201Foundations of Cognitive Science3
DMD 2010History of Digital Culture3
EEB 2100EGlobal Change Ecology3
EEB 2202Evolution and Human Diversity3
EEB 2208EIntroduction to Conservation Biology3
EEB 2222EPlants in a Changing World3
EEB 2250Introduction to Plant Physiology3
EEB 3205ECurrent Issues in Environmental Science4
ENGL 2614Writing with Algorithms3
ERTH 1000EThe Human Epoch: Living in the Anthropocene3
ERTH 1010Dinosaurs, Extinctions, and Environmental Catastrophes3
ERTH 1051Earth's Dynamic Environment (Lecture)3
ERTH 1055Geoscience and the American Landscape3
ERTH 1070Natural Disasters and Environmental Change3
ERTH 2800EOur Evolving Atmosphere3
GEOG 1010New Digital Worlds of Geographic Information Science3
GEOG 1070Natural Disasters and Environmental Change3
GEOG 1300EClimate, Weather, and the Environment3
GEOG 2300EIntroduction to Physical Geography3
HIST 2204History of Technology3
HIST 2208Science, Technology, and Society3
HIST 2208WScience, Technology, and Society3
KINS 2227Exercise Prescription3
LING 2010QThe Science of Linguistics3
MARN 1001EThe Sea Around Us3
MARN 1002EIntroduction to Oceanography3
MARN 3000EThe Oceans and Global Climate3
MAST 1001EThe Sea Around Us3
MCB 1405Honors Core: The Genetics Revolution in Contemporary Culture3
NRE 1000EEnvironmental Science3
NUSC 1030Interdisciplinary Approach to Obesity Prevention3
NUSC 1165Fundamentals of Nutrition3
NUSC 1645The Science of Food3
PATH 1100EOne Health: People, Animals, Plants, and the Environment3
PHAR 1000Drugs: Actions and Impact on Health and Society3
PHAR 1001EToxic Chemicals and Health3
PHYS 1020QIntroductory Astronomy3
PHYS 1030QPhysics of the Environment3
PHYS 1040QECosmic Origins of Life3
PSYC 1100General Psychology I3
SPSS 1060EThe Great American Lawn: History, Culture, and Sustainability3
SPSS 1150Agricultural Technology and Society3
SPSS 2120Environmental Soil Science3

Content Area Three - Laboratory Courses

ANTH 2600Microscopy in Applied Archaeobotany Research4
BIOL 1102Foundations of Biology4
BIOL 1103The Biology of Human Health and Disease4
BIOL 1107Principles of Biology I4
BIOL 1108Principles of Biology II4
BIOL 1110Introduction to Botany4
CHEM 1122Chemical Principles and Applications4
CHEM 1124QFundamentals of General Chemistry I4
CHEM 1125QFundamentals of General Chemistry II3
CHEM 1126QFundamentals of General Chemistry III3
CHEM 1127QGeneral Chemistry I4
CHEM 1128QGeneral Chemistry II4
CHEM 1137QEnhanced General Chemistry I4
CHEM 1138QEnhanced General Chemistry II4
CHEM 1147QHonors General Chemistry I4
CHEM 1148QHonors General Chemistry II4
ERTH 1050Earth's Dynamic Environment4
GEOG 1302GIS Modeling of Environmental Change4
MARN 1003EIntroduction to Oceanography with Laboratory4
MARN 1004Oceanography Laboratory1
MCB 1200Virus Hunters4
MCB 1201Virus Hunting: Applied Bioinformatics4
MCB 2612Honors Core: Microbe Hunters - Crowdsourcing Antibiotic Discovery4
PHYS 1010QElements Of Physics4
PHYS 1025QIntroductory Astronomy with Laboratory4
PHYS 1075QPhysics of Music4
PHYS 1201QGeneral Physics I4
PHYS 1202QGeneral Physics II4
PHYS 1401QGeneral Physics with Calculus I4
PHYS 1402QGeneral Physics with Calculus II4
PHYS 1501QPhysics for Engineers I4
PHYS 1502QPhysics for Engineers II4
PHYS 1600QIntroduction to Modern Physics4
PHYS 1601QFundamentals of Physics I4
PHYS 1602QFundamentals of Physics II4

Content Area Four - Diversity and Multiculturalism

In this interconnected global community, individuals of any profession need to be able to understand, appreciate, and function in cultures other than their own. Diversity and multiculturalism in the university curriculum contribute to this essential aspect of education by bringing to the fore the historical truths about different cultural perspectives, especially those of groups that traditionally have been under-represented. These groups might be characterized by such features as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identities, political systems, or religious traditions, or by persons with disabilities. By studying the ideas, history, values, and creative expressions of diverse groups, students gain appreciation for differences as well as commonalities among people.

AAAS 1000Pathways to Asian American Studies3
AAAS 2201Introduction to Asian American Studies3
AAAS 2210Sociological Perspectives on Asian American Women3
AAAS 2210WSociological Perspectives on Asian American Women3
AAAS 2222Race, Gender, Sexuality, and the Power of Looking3
AAAS 3212Asian American Literature3
AAAS 3531Japanese Americans and World War II3
AAAS 3554Immigrants and the Shaping of American History3
AFRA 1100Afrocentric Perspectives in the Arts3
AFRA 2214African American Literature3
AFRA 2214WAfrican American Literature3
AFRA 2222Race, Gender, Sexuality, and the Power of Looking3
AFRA 2461Race, Gender, and U.S. Health Care3
AFRA 2520White Racism3
AFRA 3050WAfrican-American Art3
AFRA 3106Black Psychology3
AFRA 3131African-American Theatre3
AFRA 3132African-American Women Playwrights, 1900 to the present3
AFRA 3152Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism3
AFRA 3213Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century African American Literature3
AFRA 3215Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century African American Literature3
AFRA 3215WTwentieth- and Twenty-First Century African American Literature3
AFRA 3217Studies in African American Literature and Culture3
AFRA 3564African American History Since 18653
AFRA 3642African-American Politics3
AMST 1201Introduction to American Studies3
AMST 2201Introduction to Asian American Studies3
AMST 2204Jewish Culture in American Film3
AMST 2207Empire and U.S. Culture3
AMST 2274WDisability in American Literature and Culture3
AMST 3267WRace and the Scientific Imagination3
AMST 3531Japanese Americans and World War II3
AMST 3570History and Theory of Digital Art3
ANTH 2000Social Anthropology3
ANTH 2000WSocial Anthropology3
ANTH 2200Race and Human Biological Diversity3
ANTH 3150Migration3
ANTH 3150WMigration3
ANTH 3152Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism3
ANTH 3202WIllness and Curing3
ANTH 3902North American Prehistory3
ANTH 3904Ethnohistory of Native New England3
ARTH 2222Race, Gender, Sexuality, and the Power of Looking3
ARTH 3050WAfrican-American Art3
ARTH 3570History and Theory of Digital Art3
ARTH 3640Mexican and Chicano Art from Muralism to La Raza3
ARTH 3640WMexican and Chicano Art from Muralism to La Raza3
CHIN 2360Chinese Dishes and Drinks3
CLCS 2204Jewish Culture in American Film3
CLCS 2301Jewish Humor3
COMM 3321Latinas and Media3
DMD 2620Human Development, Digital Media, and Technology3
DMD 3570History and Theory of Digital Art3
DRAM 3130Women in Theatre: Gender Identity and Expression on the Stage3
DRAM 3131African-American Theatre3
DRAM 3132African-American Women Playwrights, 1900 to the present3
DRAM 3133Latina/o Theatre3
EDCI 2100Power, Privilege, and Public Education3
EDLR 2001Contemporary Social Issues in Sport3
ENGL 1201Introduction to American Studies3
ENGL 1601WRace, Gender, and the Culture Industry3
ENGL 2207Empire and U.S. Culture3
ENGL 2214African American Literature3
ENGL 2214WAfrican American Literature3
ENGL 2274WDisability in American Literature and Culture3
ENGL 2637WEEnvironmental Justice Writing3
ENGL 3015WWriting Across Cultures3
ENGL 3210Native American Literature3
ENGL 3212Asian American Literature3
ENGL 3213Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century African American Literature3
ENGL 3215Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century African American Literature3
ENGL 3215WTwentieth- and Twenty-First Century African American Literature3
ENGL 3217Studies in African American Literature and Culture3
ENGL 3218Ethnic Literature of United States3
ENGL 3218WEthnic Literatures of the United States3
ENGL 3220Jewish American Literature and Culture3
ENGL 3220WJewish American Literature and Culture3
ENGL 3267WRace and the Scientific Imagination3
ENGL 3605Latina/o Literature3
ENGL 3609Women's Literature3
ENGL 3611Women's Literature 1900 to the Present3
ENGL 3613LGBTQ+ Literature3
EPSY 1100Introduction to Special Education3
FINA 1100Afrocentric Perspectives in the Arts3
HDFS 2001Diversity Issues in Human Development and Family Sciences3
HDFS 2620Human Development, Digital Media, and Technology3
HDFS 3141Developmental Approaches to Intergroup Relations and Victimization3
HDFS 3261Men and Masculinities3
HEJS 1103Who Are the Jews? Jewish Identity through the Ages3
HEJS 2204Jewish Culture in American Film3
HEJS 2301Jewish Humor3
HEJS 3301The Jewish Middle Ages3
HEJS 3401Jewish American Literature and Culture3
HEJS 3401WJewish American Literature and Culture3
HIST 1203Women in History3
HIST 1503Introduction to American Studies3
HIST 1570Migrant Workers in Connecticut4
HIST 2207Empire and U.S. Culture3
HIST 2230Global History of Capitalism3
HIST 2230WGlobal History of Capitalism3
HIST 2507New England and the Caribbean Plantation Complex, 1650-19003
HIST 2570American Indian History3
HIST 3531Japanese Americans and World War II3
HIST 3540EEnvironmental History of the Americas3
HIST 3540WEEnvironmental History of the Americas3
HIST 3554Immigrants and the Shaping of American History3
HIST 3564African American History Since 18653
HIST 3660WHistory of Migration in Las Americas3
HIST 3674History of Latinos/as in the United States3
HIST 3675Latina History and Biography3
HRTS 2520White Racism3
ILCS 1158Italian American Experience in Literature and Film3
ILCS 3258WCinematic Representations of Italian Americans3
INTD 2245Introduction to Diversity Studies in American Culture3
INTD 3584Seminar in Urban Problems3
LING 1030The Diversity of Languages3
LING 2850Introduction to Sociolinguistics of the Deaf Community3
LLAS 1000Introduction to Latina/o Studies3
LLAS 1009Latino Literature, Culture, and Society3
LLAS 1009WLatino Literature, Culture, and Society3
LLAS 1570Migrant Workers in Connecticut4
LLAS 2011WIntroduction to Latino-American Writing and Research3
LLAS 2507New England and the Caribbean Plantation Complex, 1650-19003
LLAS 3210Contemporary Issues in Latino Studies3
LLAS 3220History of Latinos/as in the United States3
LLAS 3232Latina/o Literature3
LLAS 3270Latino Political Behavior3
LLAS 3321Latinas and Media3
LLAS 3525Latino Sociology3
LLAS 3525WLatino Sociology3
LLAS 3660WHistory of Migration in Las Americas3
LLAS 3675Latina History and Biography3
MAST 2507New England and the Caribbean Plantation Complex, 1650-19003
MUSI 1003Popular Music and Diversity in American Society3
MUSI 3407WHistory of Jazz3
NURS 1175WThe End of Life: A Multicultural Interdisciplinary Experience3
NURS 2100WFostering a Culture of Health through Health Equity and Interprofessional Collaboration3
NURS 3070Culturally Informed Communication with Spanish-Speaking Healthcare Consumers3
PHIL 1107Philosophy and Gender3
POLS 2602WReligion and Politics in America3
POLS 3642African-American Politics3
POLS 3662Latino Political Behavior3
PSYC 2101Introduction to Multicultural Psychology3
PSYC 2701Social Psychology of Multiculturalism3
PSYC 3102Psychology of Women3
PSYC 3106Black Psychology3
SLHS 1150Introduction to Communication Disorders3
SLHS 1150WIntroduction to Communication Disorders3
SOCI 1251Social Problems3
SOCI 1251WSocial Problems3
SOCI 1501Race, Class, and Gender3
SOCI 1501WRace, Class, and Gender3
SOCI 2210Sociological Perspectives on Asian American Women3
SOCI 2210WSociological Perspectives on Asian American Women3
SOCI 2310Introduction to Criminal Justice3
SOCI 2461Race, Gender, and U.S. Health Care3
SOCI 2501Sociology of Intolerance and Injustice3
SOCI 2501WSociology of Intolerance and Injustice3
SOCI 2503Prejudice and Discrimination3
SOCI 2520White Racism3
SOCI 2651Sociology of the Family3
SOCI 2651WSociology of the Family3
SOCI 2680Sociology of Sexualities3
SOCI 2680WSociology of Sexualities3
SOCI 3525Latino Sociology3
SOCI 3525WLatino Sociology3
SOCI 3601Sociology of Gender3
SOCI 3601WSociology of Gender3
SPAN 1009Latino Literature, Culture, and Society3
SPAN 1009WLatino Literature, Culture, and Society3
URBN 1300Exploring Your Community3
URBN 1300WExploring Your Community3
URBN 1400Site and Sound: Understanding Cities Through Popular Music3
URBN 1400WSite and Sound: Understanding Cities Through Popular Music3
WGSS 1105Gender and Sexuality in Everyday Life3
WGSS 1121Women in History3
WGSS 2204Feminisms and the Arts3
WGSS 2217Women, Gender and Film3
WGSS 2217WWomen, Gender and Film3
WGSS 2680Sociology of Sexualities3
WGSS 2680WSociology of Sexualities3
WGSS 3102Psychology of Women3
WGSS 3321Latinas and Media3
WGSS 3609Women's Literature3
WGSS 3611Women's Literature 1900 to the Present3
WGSS 3613LGBTQ+ Literature3
WGSS 3675Latina History and Biography3
WGSS 3718WFeminism and Science Fiction3

Content Area Four International

AAAS 1001Pathways to Asian Studies3
AAAS 2136Asian Theatre and Performance3
AAAS 2136WAsian Theatre and Performance3
AAAS 2225The Pacific in World History3
AAAS 2305Modern Japanese Literature3
AAAS 2811Early Modern India: From Muslim Rulers to British Raj3
AAAS 2812Modern India3
AAAS 2821Early Modern China: From Mongols to Manchus3
AAAS 2822Modern China3
AAAS 2841Empire and Nation in Southeast Asia3
AAAS 2842History of Vietnam3
AAAS 2866China and the West3
AAAS 3375Indian Art and Popular Culture: Independence to the Present3
AAAS 3712The Middle East Crucible3
AAAS 3820History of Modern Chinese Political Thought3
AAAS 3823History of the People's Republic of China3
AAAS 3830EEnvironmental History in East Asia3
AAAS 3845The Vietnam War3
AAAS 3846Genocide and Mass Killings in Asia3
AAAS 3846WGenocide and Mass Killings in Asia3
AFRA 2621Cuba in Local and Global Perspective3
AFRA 2752Africa in Global History3
AFRA 2753History of Modern Africa3
AFRA 3206Black Experience in the Americas3
AFRA 3619History of the Caribbean3
AFRA 3619WHistory of the Caribbean3
AH 2330Italy's Mediterranean Food and Our Health3
ANTH 1000Peoples and Cultures of the World3
ANTH 1000WPeoples and Cultures of the World3
ANTH 1001WAnthropology Through Film3
ANTH 1006Introduction to Anthropology3
ANTH 1010EGlobal Climate Change and Human Societies3
ANTH 1500Great Discoveries in Archaeology3
ANTH 3028Indigenous Rights and Aboriginal Australia3
ANTH 3028WIndigenous Rights and Aboriginal Australia3
ANTH 3030Peoples of the Pacific Islands3
ANTH 3340ECulture and Conservation3
ANTH 3401World Religions3
ARAB 1751Traditional Arab Literatures, Cultures, and Civilizations3
ARAB 1771Modern Arabic Culture3
ARAB 2751Arabic Folk Tales and Mirrors for Princes3
ARAB 3751Al-Andalus: Music, Literature, and Science in Muslim Spain3
ARAB 3771Cinema in the Middle East and North Africa3
ARIS 1170Women's Contemporary Writing in the Arab World3
ARIS 1170WWomen's Contemporary Writing in the Arab World3
ARIS 1211Introduction to Islam3
ARIS 3710Islamic Art History3
ARIS 3710WIslamic Art History3
ART 3375Indian Art and Popular Culture: Independence to the Present3
ARTH 1128Global Perspectives on Western Art: Renaissance to the Present3
ARTH 1141From Sun Gods to Lowriders: Introduction to Latin American Art3
ARTH 2020Global Jerusalem3
ARTH 3630Alternative Modernities: Visual Culture of Latin America3
ARTH 3630WAlternative Modernities: Visual Culture of Latin America3
ARTH 3710Islamic Art History3
ARTH 3710WIslamic Art History3
CAMS 2020Pyramids, Pirates, and the Polis: The Ancient Mediterranean3
CHIN 1121Traditional Chinese Culture3
CHIN 1122Modern Chinese Culture3
CHIN 2800Chinese Calligraphy3
CHIN 3230Language and Identity in Greater China3
CHIN 3230WLanguage and Identity in Greater China3
CHIN 3250WAdvanced Chinese3
CHIN 3270Chinese Film3
CHIN 3280Networking in China3
CLCS 1101Classics of World Literature I3
CLCS 1102Classics of World Literature II3
CLCS 2010Media Literacy and Data Ethics3
CLCS 2201Intercultural Competency Towards Global Perspectives3
DRAM 1501Introduction to World Puppetry3
DRAM 2135History of Popular Theatre and Live Entertainment3
DRAM 2136Asian Theatre and Performance3
DRAM 2136WAsian Theatre and Performance3
DRAM 2203The Holocaust in Print, Theater, and Film3
EEB 2202Evolution and Human Diversity3
ENGL 1301Major Works of Eastern Literature3
ENGL 2301Anglophone Literatures3
ENGL 2301WAnglophone Literatures3
ENGL 2305Modern Japanese Literature3
ENGL 3120Irish Literature in English to 19393
ENGL 3122Irish Literature in English since 19393
ENGL 3122WIrish Literature in English since 19393
ENGL 3318Literature and Culture of the Third World3
ENGL 3319Topics in Postcolonial Studies3
ENGL 3320Literature and Culture of India3
ENGL 3629Holocaust Memoir3
EVST 3340ECulture and Conservation3
FREN 1169Modernity in Crisis: France and the Francophone World From 1850 to Today3
FREN 1171French Cinema3
FREN 1176Literature and Cultures of the Postcolonial Francophone World3
FREN 1177Magicians, Witches, Wizards: Parallel Beliefs and Popular Culture in France3
FREN 3211WContemporary France3
FREN 3218Francophone Studies3
FREN 3224Issues in Cultural Studies, the Media, and the Social Sciences3
GEOG 1200Global Urbanization3
GEOG 1700World Regional Geography3
GEOG 2000Globalization3
GEOG 2200Introduction to Human Geography3
GEOG 2350EGeography of Energy for Sustainability3
GEOG 2400EIntroduction to Sustainable Cities3
GERM 1169Contemporary Germany in Europe3
GERM 1171The German Film3
GERM 1175Human Rights and German Culture3
GERM 1920Cyborgs, Robots, and Androids in the German Imaginary3
GERM 3251German Culture and Civilization3
GERM 3258Germans in Africa, Blacks in German-Speaking Countries, Colonial and Post-Colonial Perspectives3
GERM 3261WGerman Film and Culture3
HEJS 2104Modern Jewish Thought3
HEJS 2200Israel: History and Society3
HEJS 2201Diversity and Inclusion in Israeli Society: A Cinematic View3
HEJS 2203The Holocaust in Print, Theater, and Film3
HEJS 3362The Black Death: Medieval and Modern Responses to Catastrophe3
HEJS 3419Jewish Responses to the Holocaust3
HEJS 3629Holocaust Memoir3
HIST 1200World History, 1200-18003
HIST 1206Living Through War in World History Since 15003
HIST 1450Global History of the Second World War3
HIST 1600Introduction to Latin America and the Caribbean3
HIST 1600WIntroduction to Latin America and the Caribbean3
HIST 1801History of Asia in the World to 15003
HIST 1805Key Words in East Asian History and Culture3
HIST 2020Pyramids, Pirates, and the Polis: The Ancient Mediterranean3
HIST 2222EGlobal Environmental History3
HIST 2225The Pacific in World History3
HIST 2456Power and Resistance: History of Eastern Europe3
HIST 2621Cuba in Local and Global Perspective3
HIST 2752Africa in Global History3
HIST 2753History of Modern Africa3
HIST 2811Early Modern India: From Muslim Rulers to British Raj3
HIST 2812Modern India3
HIST 2821Early Modern China: From Mongols to Manchus3
HIST 2822Modern China3
HIST 2841Empire and Nation in Southeast Asia3
HIST 2842History of Vietnam3
HIST 2866China and the West3
HIST 3206Black Experience in the Americas3
HIST 3362The Black Death: Medieval and Modern Responses to Catastrophe3
HIST 3419Jewish Responses to the Holocaust3
HIST 3607Latin America in the Colonial Period3
HIST 3609Latin America in the National Period3
HIST 3619History of the Caribbean3
HIST 3619WHistory of the Caribbean3
HIST 3635History of Modern Mexico3
HIST 3705The Modern Middle East from 1700 to the Present3
HIST 3710Islamic Art History3
HIST 3710WIslamic Art History3
HIST 3712The Middle East Crucible3
HIST 3820History of Modern Chinese Political Thought3
HIST 3823History of the People's Republic of China3
HIST 3830EEnvironmental History in East Asia3
HIST 3845The Vietnam War3
HIST 3846Genocide and Mass Killings in Asia3
HIST 3846WGenocide and Mass Killings in Asia3
HRTS 1007Introduction to Human Rights3
HRTS 2100Human Rights and Social Change3
HRTS 2100WHuman Rights and Social Change3
HRTS 2200Introduction to Genocide Studies3
HRTS 2203The Holocaust in Print, Theater, and Film3
HRTS 3028Indigenous Rights and Aboriginal Australia3
HRTS 3028WIndigenous Rights and Aboriginal Australia3
HRTS 3200WInternational Human Rights Law3
HRTS 3846Genocide and Mass Killings in Asia3
HRTS 3846WGenocide and Mass Killings in Asia3
ILCS 1102From Baghdad to Florence: Medieval Short Stories Across Cultures3
ILCS 1149Cinema and Society in Contemporary Italy3
ILCS 1160Culture of Fascist Italy3
ILCS 1168Adaptation: Italian Literature into Film3
ILCS 3248WThe Italian Novella3
ILCS 3260WItalian Cinema3
ILCS 3268WViews of the Environment from Italy3
INDS 3375Indian Art and Popular Culture: Independence to the Present3
JAPN 2305Modern Japanese Literature3
LING 1020Language and Environment3
LING 3610WLanguage and Culture3
LLAS 1190Introduction to Latin America and the Caribbean3
LLAS 1190WIntroduction to Latin America and the Caribbean3
LLAS 2621Cuba in Local and Global Perspective3
LLAS 3607Latin America in the Colonial Period3
LLAS 3609Latin America in the National Period3
LLAS 3619History of the Caribbean3
LLAS 3619WHistory of the Caribbean3
LLAS 3635History of Modern Mexico3
MAST 1300EPeople and Society in the Maritime Environment3
MUSI 1004Non-Western Music3
MUSI 3421WMusic, Culture, and Difference in Globalization3
NRE 2600EGlobal Sustainable Natural Resources3
NRE 3305African Field Ecology and Renewable Resources Management4
NURS 2175Global Politics of Childbearing and Reproduction3
NUSC 1167Food, Culture and Society3
PHIL 1106Non-western and Comparative Philosophy3
PHIL 1109Global Existentialism3
POLS 1202Introduction to Comparative Politics3
POLS 1207Introduction to Nonwestern Politics3
POLS 1402Introduction to International Relations3
POLS 1402WIntroduction to International Relations3
POLS 2023Political Theory in Film3
POLS 2221Introduction to Government and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa3
POLS 2221WIntroduction to Government and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa3
POLS 3040Power, Politics and Art3
SOCI 1701Society in Global Perspective3
SOCI 1701WSociety in Global Perspective3
SOCI 2509WSociology of Anti-Semitism3
SOCI 3823The Sociology of Law: Global and Comparative Perspectives3
SOCI 3823WThe Sociology of Law: Global and Comparative Perspectives3
SPAN 1007Major Works of Hispanic Literature in Translation3
SPAN 1008Christians, Muslims and Jews in Medieval Spain3
SPAN 1010Contemporary Spanish Culture and Society through Film3
SPAN 1020Intersections of Art, Fashion, Film, and Music in Modern Spain3
SPAN 3250Film in Spain and Latin America3
SPSS 1125EInsects, Food and Culture3
URBN 1200Global Urbanization3
WGSS 1170Women's Contemporary Writing in the Arab World3
WGSS 1170WWomen's Contemporary Writing in the Arab World3
WGSS 2105WGender and Science3
WGSS 2124Gender and Globalization3
WGSS 2255LGBTQ Sexualities, Activism, and Globalization3
WGSS 2255WLGBTQ Sexualities, Activism, and Globalization3
WGSS 3255Sexual Citizenship3
WGSS 3255WSexual Citizenship3


The General Education Curriculum includes competencies in information literacy, quantitative skills, second language proficiency, and writing. The coursework required to demonstrate Information Literacy is established by each major field of study. Quantitative Literacy is established by completing two courses that are designated for this purpose as Q courses. One Q course must be a MATH or STAT course. Second Language competency is established by either:

  1. passing the third-year high school level course in a language other than English, or
  2. attaining a Seal of Bilteracy, or
  3. the second semester course in the first-year sequence of college level study in a language other than English.

Writing competency is established by passing two courses that are designated for this purpose as W courses, one of which must be in the major field of study at the 2000-level or above. First-year writing courses are prerequisites for W courses.

Information Literacy Competency

Information literacy involves a general understanding of how information is created, disseminated and organized, and an ability to access, evaluate, synthesize and incorporate information into written, oral, or media presentations. Basic information literacy is taught to all first-year students as an integral part of ENGL 1007 Seminar and Studio in Writing and Multimodal Composition/ENGL 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing/ENGL 1011 Seminar in Writing through Literature, in collaboration with the staff of the University Libraries. Each major program has considered the information literacy competencies required of its graduates and built those expectations into the upper-level research and writing requirements in the major. Further details are given under the description of each major elsewhere in this catalog.

Quantitative (Q) Competency

All students must pass two Q courses, which may also satisfy Content Area requirements. One Q course must be from Mathematics or Statistics. Students should discuss with their advisor how best to satisfy these requirements based on their background, prior course preparation and career aspirations. Students whose high school algebra needs strengthening should be encouraged to complete MATH 1011Q Introductory College Algebra and Mathematical Modeling, as preparation for other Q courses. To receive credit for MATH 1011Q Introductory College Algebra and Mathematical Modeling, it must be taken before successful completion of another Q course. In some cases, advisors may recommend postponing registration in a Q course until after the student has completed a semester of course work at the University.

Second Language Competency

Second Language competency is established by either:

  1. passing the third-year high school level course in a language other than English, or
  2. attaining a Seal of Bilteracy, or
  3. the second semester course in the first year sequence of college level study in a language other than English.

When the years of study have been split between high school and earlier grades, the requirement is met if the student has successfully completed the third year high school level course. With anything less than that, the student must pass the second semester course in the first year sequence of college level study in a single language.

Writing (W) Competency

All students must take either ENGL 1007 Seminar and Studio in Writing and Multimodal Composition or ENGL 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing or ENGL 1011 Seminar in Writing through Literature. Additionally, all students must take two writing-intensive (W) courses, which may also satisfy Content Area requirements. One of these must be at the 2000-level and associated with the student’s major. Approved courses for each major are listed in their sections of this catalog. (Note: ENGL 1007 Seminar and Studio in Writing and Multimodal Composition or ENGL 1010 Seminar in Academic Writing or ENGL 1011 Seminar in Writing through Literature is a prerequisite to all writing-intensive courses).

Environmental Literacy

Students must pass at least one course of at least three credits in Environmental Literacy. Environmental Literacy courses are designated for this purpose as E courses. Environmental Literacy courses may be counted towards the major.