Medieval Studies (MA, PhD)
The Medieval Studies Program offers two graduate degrees: Master of Arts degree (M.A.), and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). The M.A. program provides preparatory training for a Ph.D. in a medieval field. Generally our M.A. students intend afterward to pursue a Ph.D. in Medieval Studies or in History, English, Romance Languages, or another field.
Master of Arts in Medieval Studies
The M.A. degree should be completed within two years, though the Graduate School sets a six-year maximum on completion from the date of initial matriculation. M.A. students are required to complete 31 credits, usually in this pattern: seven credits in the first semester taking ENGL 5100 The Theory and Teaching of Writing and ENGL 5182 Practicum in the Teaching of Writing; and a three credit graduate course of their choice; nine credits in the second semester; six credits in the third semester; and nine credits in the fourth semester.
Required Courses
Course | Title | Credits |
ENGL 5100 | The Theory and Teaching of Writing | 3 |
ENGL 5182 | Practicum in the Teaching of Writing | 1 |
ENGL 5315 | 3 | |
ENGL 6315 | Seminar in Medieval Literature | 3 |
HIST 5316 | Topics in Medieval History | 3 |
Six additional three credit courses | 18 | |
Total Credits | 31 |
Four courses should form a major concentration in one field, and three courses should form a minor concentration in another field; these courses may overlap with the core distribution requirements.
Students must also pass the M.A. written examination, which may be taken any time after the first two semesters of coursework and before April of the second year of study: the timing is decided on an individual basis. Students should create a major and minor field reading list in consultation with the advisor, and answer one question about each list within a four hour examination period. Students must also demonstrate competence in Latin (either through coursework or a written examination).
Doctor of Philosophy in Medieval Studies
Requirements for the Doctoral degree should ordinarily be completed in five years for Ph.D. students, but work for the Ph.D. degree must be completed within eight years of the beginning of the student’s matriculation. Ph.D. students are ordinarily required to complete 25 credits of coursework at UConn for the Ph.D., and at least 40 credits total of graduate work.
Required Courses
Course | Title | Credits |
ENGL 5100 | The Theory and Teaching of Writing | 3 |
ENGL 5182 | Practicum in the Teaching of Writing | 1 |
ENGL 5315 | 3 | |
ENGL 6315 | Seminar in Medieval Literature | 3 |
HIST 5316 | Topics in Medieval History | 3 |
Four additional three credit courses | 12 | |
Total Credits | 25 |
Four courses should form a major concentration in one field, and a minimum of two courses each should form two minor concentrations in two other fields. Students must demonstrate competence in Latin and in two modern languages, either through coursework or by examination. Students must also complete four preliminary examinations (4 hours each) followed by an oral examination, a dissertation prospectus, and a dissertation and defense.
Students who feel they have fulfilled any of the requirements listed above at another institution may petition the graduate program office to have those requirements waived at UConn. Students who previously took the M.A. in Medieval Studies at UConn will not be required to take ENGL 5100 The Theory and Teaching of Writing andENGL 5182 Practicum in the Teaching of Writing again.