Arabic and Islamic Civilizations

The Arabic and Islamic Studies major requires a minimum of 24 credits of Arabic (ARAB) and Arabic and Islamic Studies (ARIS) courses, plus a minimum of 12 credits of related courses from programs other than Arabic and Islamic Studies. A minimum of 12 major credits must consist of Arabic and Islamic Studies courses taken in residence. Only six may be transfer credits. AP credits may not be used toward the major.

Prerequisite: Four semesters of formal Arabic at the 1000 level, or equivalent proficiency. Proficiency must be approved by major advisor. Arabic and Islamic Studies majors must complete a minimum of 12 courses, for a total of 36 credits, distributed as follows:

Students must take 24 credits (eight courses) of ARAB or ARIS courses according to the following guidelines:

A. ARIS 3000 or comparable proficiency in Classical Arabic with approval of the major advisor.

B. Two courses from Group 1:

  1. Language: ARAB 2170, 3102, 3212; ARIS 3000

C. Two courses from each of Groups 2 and two courses from group 3:

      2. Literature: ARAB 3550W, 3551, 3559, 3570

      3. Culture: ARAB 2571, 3102, 3751, 3771, 3772

D. All majors must take ARAB 3550W

Note: Special Topics, Foreign Study and Independent Study courses may fit, depending on topic, any of the above groups, with advisor approval.

4. Four courses or 12 additional related credits are required at the 2000-level or above from programs other than Arabic and Islamic Studies. Related courses may belong to many subject   areas  and must always be approved by the advisor. These may include:

  • Courses in any modern or classical language.
  • Any English, Linguistics, or Philosophy course.
  • Any Communication Sciences course that is directly related to second language acquisition or the Arab World.
  • Any History, Political Science, Art History, Anthropology, Sociology, Economics, or Geography course that deals with Islamic culture or the Arab world.

    Enrollment in a study abroad program in an Arabic-speaking country is recommended but not mandatory for Arabic and Islamic Studies majors. With advisor’s advanced consent, any of the above courses may be replaced by an ARAB or ARIS 3293 course from study abroad programs. Up to 12 credits taken in study abroad programs may count toward the major. Students can enroll in either University of Connecticut sponsored or non-University of Connecticut sponsored programs. In either case, students must consult with the advisor to determine which courses will receive credit.

    To satisfy the Information Literacy Competency and Writing in the Major requirements, all students must take ARAB 3550W.

    A minor in Arabic and Islamic Studies is described in the “Minors” section.

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